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Name not shown outside SEADIP Area April 4, 2015, 3:32 PM
Which of these aspects is important for ground floors of new development? Select the principles you feel should apply. Most of the ground floor should be active and transparent (glass with views into appropriate activities like shops, lobbies, restaurants, public spaces), Should include higher grade materials, not just stucco (stone, tile, special treatments), Public plazas and accessible open space should be included, Walkways should provide more choices for where to walk, Landscaping should be sustainable, drought-tolerant, Lighting should be integrated with the architecture
Which of the following ways seem appropriate for integrating parking into new projects?
Select as many that you feel should apply. Parking structures screened or hidden, but have easy-to-find entrances, Parking structure internalized and “wrapped with development”, Parking that has clear and safe paths for pedestrians to access it
If increased height is to be accommodated within the mixed use areas of SEADIP, where should it be placed on a site? Building height should be focused in the center of the site (nestled)
Regardless of height, how should buildings be designed if new construction occurs? (Think of buildings along PCH) Uniform height in some locations & stepbacks in others (Ex: Uniform height might be ok on PCH, but you prefer buildings to stepback at water or wetlands)
What other architecture topics (not listed above) should be addressed? Most of those attending the meetings said that they DIDN'T want any structors higher than 3 stories high!!!!!
Name not shown outside SEADIP Area April 4, 2015, 2:30 PM
Which of these aspects is important for ground floors of new development? Select the principles you feel should apply. Most of the ground floor should be active and transparent (glass with views into appropriate activities like shops, lobbies, restaurants, public spaces), Should include higher grade materials, not just stucco (stone, tile, special treatments), Landscaping should be sustainable, drought-tolerant, Lighting should be integrated with the architecture
Which of the following ways seem appropriate for integrating parking into new projects?
Select as many that you feel should apply. Parking that has clear and safe paths for pedestrians to access it, Underground to the greatest extent possible
If increased height is to be accommodated within the mixed use areas of SEADIP, where should it be placed on a site? Building height should be focused in the center of the site (nestled)
What other architecture topics (not listed above) should be addressed? Height should be limited ideally to two stories, but in no case more than 3.
Name not shown outside SEADIP Area April 3, 2015, 11:01 PM
Which of these aspects is important for ground floors of new development? Select the principles you feel should apply. Public plazas and accessible open space should be included, Landscaping should be sustainable, drought-tolerant, Lighting should be integrated with the architecture
Which of the following ways seem appropriate for integrating parking into new projects?
Select as many that you feel should apply. Parking structures screened or hidden, but have easy-to-find entrances, Underground to the greatest extent possible
If increased height is to be accommodated within the mixed use areas of SEADIP, where should it be placed on a site? Building height should be focused in the center of the site (nestled)
Regardless of height, how should buildings be designed if new construction occurs? (Think of buildings along PCH) Uniform height in some locations & stepbacks in others (Ex: Uniform height might be ok on PCH, but you prefer buildings to stepback at water or wetlands)
What other architecture topics (not listed above) should be addressed? Open space
Name not shown outside SEADIP Area March 30, 2015, 4:01 PM
Which of these aspects is important for ground floors of new development? Select the principles you feel should apply. Most of the ground floor should be active and transparent (glass with views into appropriate activities like shops, lobbies, restaurants, public spaces), Should include higher grade materials, not just stucco (stone, tile, special treatments), Public plazas and accessible open space should be included, Walkways should provide more choices for where to walk
Which of the following ways seem appropriate for integrating parking into new projects?
Select as many that you feel should apply. Surface lots screened behind new buildings on PCH, Parking that has clear and safe paths for pedestrians to access it
If increased height is to be accommodated within the mixed use areas of SEADIP, where should it be placed on a site? Building height should be focused in the center of the site (nestled)
What other architecture topics (not listed above) should be addressed? Height should be limited to three stories. Need parking to truly meet needs of development, please don't finagle parking needs
Name not shown outside SEADIP Area March 30, 2015, 3:49 PM
What do you like about this plan? I like the Open Space and Recreation, Residential and Comml Neighborhood Retail - said to be lower scale, 35' height limit I presume
Are there any land uses that you would change? The height limit throughout SEADIP should be 35' or 3 stories. Not acceptable is 5-7 stories, which would change the whole dynamic of the area, cause huge traffic problems, impact sailing, negatively impact the wetlands, birds, animals, etc. The industrial area should be progessively phased out.
Name not shown outside SEADIP Area March 26, 2015, 10:46 PM
Which of these aspects is important for ground floors of new development? Select the principles you feel should apply. Most of the ground floor should be active and transparent (glass with views into appropriate activities like shops, lobbies, restaurants, public spaces), Public plazas and accessible open space should be included
Which of the following ways seem appropriate for integrating parking into new projects?
Select as many that you feel should apply. Surface lots screened behind new buildings on PCH
If increased height is to be accommodated within the mixed use areas of SEADIP, where should it be placed on a site? Building height should be focused in the center of the site (nestled), Building height should be focused on major corners and gateways (landmark)
Regardless of height, how should buildings be designed if new construction occurs? (Think of buildings along PCH) Uniform height in some locations & stepbacks in others (Ex: Uniform height might be ok on PCH, but you prefer buildings to stepback at water or wetlands)
What other architecture topics (not listed above) should be addressed? Signage. Lighting as a design element. Traffic circulation. Grade separation @ 7th/PCH? Traffic circles along 2nd street? Trees--shade vs palm
Name not shown outside SEADIP Area March 26, 2015, 10:32 PM
What do you like about this plan? The idea of a community core, and the notion of a gateway. Also, thoughtful consideration of the streetscape and pragmatic considerations of what development is feasible
Are there any land uses that you would change? I would change the industrial/utility to a combination of open space and office/commercial. I would eliminate a hotel from the plan unless it replaces the current hotel with the same number of rooms. I do not want this area to be a destination resort or anything like it. It should be home for the local residents, and an access point for users of the local amenities: beach, bay, bike paths. 3-5 stories max on the "core". The "gateway" could be subtle, such as a change in signage ordinances, trees/foliage, light posts, etc rather than an architectural feature.
Name not shown outside SEADIP Area March 26, 2015, 9:16 PM
Which of these aspects is important for ground floors of new development? Select the principles you feel should apply. Should include higher grade materials, not just stucco (stone, tile, special treatments), Public plazas and accessible open space should be included, Landscaping should be sustainable, drought-tolerant
Which of the following ways seem appropriate for integrating parking into new projects?
Select as many that you feel should apply. Parking that has clear and safe paths for pedestrians to access it
Regardless of height, how should buildings be designed if new construction occurs? (Think of buildings along PCH) Stepbacks: Building face steps back at upper floor(s)
What other architecture topics (not listed above) should be addressed? Please, keep it low. Do not consider going above 3 stories. That's it. That's what matters most to me.
Mitch Marich outside SEADIP Area March 26, 2015, 2:40 PM
Which of these aspects is important for ground floors of new development? Select the principles you feel should apply. Most of the ground floor should be active and transparent (glass with views into appropriate activities like shops, lobbies, restaurants, public spaces), Should include higher grade materials, not just stucco (stone, tile, special treatments), Public plazas and accessible open space should be included, Walkways should provide more choices for where to walk, Landscaping should be sustainable, drought-tolerant, Lighting should be integrated with the architecture
Which of the following ways seem appropriate for integrating parking into new projects?
Select as many that you feel should apply. Surface lots screened behind new buildings on PCH, Parking structures screened or hidden, but have easy-to-find entrances, Parking structures with active ground floors (shops, eateries with parking above), Parking that has clear and safe paths for pedestrians to access it
If increased height is to be accommodated within the mixed use areas of SEADIP, where should it be placed on a site? Building height should be focused in the center of the site (nestled)
Regardless of height, how should buildings be designed if new construction occurs? (Think of buildings along PCH) Uniform height in some locations & stepbacks in others (Ex: Uniform height might be ok on PCH, but you prefer buildings to stepback at water or wetlands)
William Davis outside SEADIP Area March 26, 2015, 11:30 AM
Which of these aspects is important for ground floors of new development? Select the principles you feel should apply. Most of the ground floor should be active and transparent (glass with views into appropriate activities like shops, lobbies, restaurants, public spaces), Should include higher grade materials, not just stucco (stone, tile, special treatments), Public plazas and accessible open space should be included, Walkways should provide more choices for where to walk, Landscaping should be sustainable, drought-tolerant, Lighting should be integrated with the architecture
Which of the following ways seem appropriate for integrating parking into new projects?
Select as many that you feel should apply. Parking structures screened or hidden, but have easy-to-find entrances, Parking structures with active ground floors (shops, eateries with parking above), Parking that has clear and safe paths for pedestrians to access it, Underground to the greatest extent possible
If increased height is to be accommodated within the mixed use areas of SEADIP, where should it be placed on a site? Building height should be focused in the center of the site (nestled)
Regardless of height, how should buildings be designed if new construction occurs? (Think of buildings along PCH) Stepbacks: Building face steps back at upper floor(s)
What other architecture topics (not listed above) should be addressed? Affordable housing should be included in the mix - either on-site or having developers pay into a fund for location of affordable housing elsewhere.