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Long Beach Town Hall Forum

We want to know more! Take a moment to tell us your thoughts about planning, mobility, urban design, wetlands, and the market for the SEADIP area.

8 responses on forum

Market- What types of housing, if any, do you think would be appropriate in SEADIP?

Response Percent Response Count
Condos 12.5% 1
Single Family Homes 12.5% 1
Apartments 12.5% 1
No additional housing 12.5% 1
Other 50.0% 4

Market- What types of retail, if any, do you think would be appropriate or is needed in SEADIP?

Response Percent Response Count
High end, luxury shopping 37.5% 3
Other 62.5% 5

Urban Design- What are some good examples of complete neighborhoods you've enjoyed that could serve as a model for SEADIP? Please provide the City and State.


Urban Design- What kinds of community do you envision for the future- where all parts work well together and support each other sustainably?


In what ways is the current SEADIP Planned Development working well?


In what areas does it need improvement?


Outside of the wetland areas what areas should we focus on the most and why? (name up to three)


Mobility- What should be the role of Pacific Coast Highway within the SEADIP area (mainstreet, thoroughfare, freeway)?


Mobility- How would you connect the southeast area to the surrounding communities (biking, trails, pedestrian, transit)?


Wetlands- Please choose the top 3 amenities that could be associated with wetland restoration and preservation that you would use the most or think would be of the greatest benefit to the community:

Response Percent Response Count
Viewing stations along wetland perimeters, with interpretive signage 37.5% 3
Walking trails 62.5% 5
Interpretive Center 37.5% 3
Picnic tables and seating areas 12.5% 1
Other 25.0% 2
Name not shown inside SEADIP Area
August 13, 2014, 1:41 PM
  • Market- What types of housing, if any, do you think would be appropriate in SEADIP?
    • Apartments
  • Market- What types of retail, if any, do you think would be appropriate or is needed in SEADIP?
    • Other - none
  • Urban Design- What are some good examples of complete neighborhoods you've enjoyed that could serve as a model for SEADIP? Please provide the City and State.
    Dana point community
  • Urban Design- What kinds of community do you envision for the future- where all parts work well together and support each other sustainably?
    Environmentally friendly community with open space and multiuser recreation
  • In what ways is the current SEADIP Planned Development working well?
    Trying to preserve envioronmental integrity by not over developing
  • In what areas does it need improvement?
    Greater environmental restoration and protection.
  • Outside of the wetland areas what areas should we focus on the most and why? (name up to three)
    Focus on removing or reducing the industrial uses in area 19 to be more compaitble with future uses
  • Mobility- What should be the role of Pacific Coast Highway within the SEADIP area (mainstreet, thoroughfare, freeway)?
    It should remain a thoroughfare with easy on and off option, it should also provide safe crossing for pedestrians and biking.
  • Mobility- How would you connect the southeast area to the surrounding communities (biking, trails, pedestrian, transit)?
    increased trails
  • Wetlands- Please choose the top 3 amenities that could be associated with wetland restoration and preservation that you would use the most or think would be of the greatest benefit to the community:
    • Viewing stations along wetland perimeters, with interpretive signage
    • Interpretive Center
    • Picnic tables and seating areas
Long Beach Town Hall Forum is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Long Beach Town Hall Forum is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.

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Planning- For the next question please refer to the current SEADIP zoning document found here

Planning- Focus Areas- The Specific Plan work program includes the study of three focus areas. These areas will be analyzed in greater detail and the consultant team may develop conceptual site plans  to gain a better understanding of how their design and mobility could be improved. For the next question refer to Figure 5 of the Opportunities and Constraints Workbook by clicking here.

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