We've gathered high level feedback from you to begin crafting a vision and key priorities for the area. Now we need your input regarding important topic areas to help us identify key considerations for the Southeast Area Specific Plan.
We appreciate your input!
Please take a moment to help us better understand some of the key existing conditions and considerations for the area. We have a more questions pertaining to a few of the topic areas covered in the Workbook: Planning, Urban Design, Mobility, Wetlands, and the Market. These topics will also be discussed at our upcoming community workshop.
Plan to attend!
Experts from our consultant team will be on hand at our second community workshop to answer your specific questions related to each topic of the Opportunities and Constrains Workbook and for you to share your ideas about the area. The workshop will be held on August 6th at 6:30 pm at the Best Western Golden Sails Hotel.