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Short Term Rentals in Bozeman, Montana

Short Term Rentals in Bozeman, Montana

City of Bozeman: Downtown Strategic Parking Management Plan

We want to hear from you! Please provide comments in relation to Downtown Parking, particularly with regard to the Draft Downtown Strategic Parking Management Plan.

Bozeman Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Survey

We want to hear from you about Transportation in the City of Bozeman.

Stormwater Survey

Please answer a few questions about stormwater in Bozeman.

Bozeman Sports Park Athletic Complex Master Planning

What features and amenities are most important to you in the master planning of the Bozeman Sports Park Athletic Complex?

Story Mill Community Park Master Planning Workshop

Building upon the Story Mill Park Conceptual Plan & Budget previously approved, what park activities, features and programming are most important to you?

Community Involvement

In what ways would you like to be involved with city decision-making?

Prioritizing the City Manager's Recommended Budget

How would you prioritize the City Manager's recommended budget?

Encouraging Dog Waste Pick-Up

How can the city and its citizens better encourage and support the picking up of dog waste in our city? This could be in parks, trails, off leash areas or anywhere else in the area.