Are you a full-time, part-time, or nonresident of Bozeman?
Full-time Bozeman resident.
Are there Short-Term Rentals in your neighborhood?
If you live in Bozeman, what is the impact of Short-Term Rentals (STRs) in your neighborhood?
I feel STRs have a positive impact on my neighborhood.
If you believe Short-Term Rentals (STRs) have positive impacts, why? (select all that apply)
STR properties are usually well cared for.
There are fewer empty/dark houses in my neighborhood.
Other - The quality of lodging offered combined with proximity to downtown has made this a more desirable neighborhood, as evidenced bff the 13% growth rate seen in home prices versus the 6% seen throughout the rest of the city in the same time span
If you believe Short-Term Rentals have negative impacts, why? (select all that apply)
Other - No negative impacts that aren't the same or worse when renting a room or apartment long-term without proper background checks
Do you agree or disagree with the following regarding Short-Term Rentals (STRs)?
STRs should require a permit and be assessed fees. - Disagree
STRs should have a limit on the number of guests. - Disagree
There should be a density cap (only a certain number of STRs allowed per area/block). - Disagree
The property owner should reside on-site. - Disagree
If the property owner is not on-site, there should be a local property manager / responsible person. - Agree
The City should not regulate STRs. - Agree
Short-Term Rentals should be allowed in the following locations. (select all that apply)
Mixed-use areas (some residential, some commercial)
Commercial areas
How often should Short-Term Rentals be inspected?
Only when initially permitted
My primary reason for owning / operating a Short-Term Rental (STR) is...
I do not own / operate a STR.
Please share any additional comments.
Many of the concerns I've heard at city commission meetings and in public forums on this topic have revolved around a "me, me, me" mentality and have relied heavily on anecdotal data to support their position. I have personally lived in close proximity to young adults who have had the police over on numerous occasions, refused to turn down their music, etc, and these were people who had a one-year lease. Yet I don't believe based on my bad experiences that we should ban young adults from renting, or put undue burdens on landlords to be held personally responsible for the behavior of their tenants.
I also once managed the old hostel on Olive where I met a large number of temporary visitors, from tourists to temporary construction workers to temporarily homeless families. I loved seeing my town through their eyes, sharing what makes Bozeman so magical, and seeing them fall in love just as I once had.
I have used vacation rentals extensively when traveling as a way to be closer to the family members who travel to join us, relied on them heavily to house out-of-town guests at my wedding, and found them to be a great way to visit a new city and meet some locals who are willing to show us the best of their region.
By and large, these rentals are already regulated by the federal government in that they are required to pay taxes and report earnings. I'm not exactly sure what the city of Bozeman would do regulation-wise, but I am concerned that it will over-complicate things, that it will be expensive to enforce, and that it will negatively impact our ability to bring our high cost of housing to an affordable level for the average family, as most families wouldn't dream of renting a room full-time but could easily offer that room for a few weeks in the winter and a few in the summer and get nearly the same return, allowing them to buy into a market that is quickly pricing out all but the millionaire class.
Bozeman Online City Hall is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Bozeman Online City Hall is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
Are you a full-time, part-time, or nonresident of Bozeman?
Are there Short-Term Rentals in your neighborhood?
If you live in Bozeman, what is the impact of Short-Term Rentals (STRs) in your neighborhood?
If you believe Short-Term Rentals (STRs) have positive impacts, why? (select all that apply)
If you believe Short-Term Rentals have negative impacts, why? (select all that apply)
Do you agree or disagree with the following regarding Short-Term Rentals (STRs)?
Short-Term Rentals should be allowed in the following locations. (select all that apply)
How often should Short-Term Rentals be inspected?
My primary reason for owning / operating a Short-Term Rental (STR) is...
Please share any additional comments.
Many of the concerns I've heard at city commission meetings and in public forums on this topic have revolved around a "me, me, me" mentality and have relied heavily on anecdotal data to support their position. I have personally lived in close proximity to young adults who have had the police over on numerous occasions, refused to turn down their music, etc, and these were people who had a one-year lease. Yet I don't believe based on my bad experiences that we should ban young adults from renting, or put undue burdens on landlords to be held personally responsible for the behavior of their tenants.
I also once managed the old hostel on Olive where I met a large number of temporary visitors, from tourists to temporary construction workers to temporarily homeless families. I loved seeing my town through their eyes, sharing what makes Bozeman so magical, and seeing them fall in love just as I once had.
I have used vacation rentals extensively when traveling as a way to be closer to the family members who travel to join us, relied on them heavily to house out-of-town guests at my wedding, and found them to be a great way to visit a new city and meet some locals who are willing to show us the best of their region.
By and large, these rentals are already regulated by the federal government in that they are required to pay taxes and report earnings. I'm not exactly sure what the city of Bozeman would do regulation-wise, but I am concerned that it will over-complicate things, that it will be expensive to enforce, and that it will negatively impact our ability to bring our high cost of housing to an affordable level for the average family, as most families wouldn't dream of renting a room full-time but could easily offer that room for a few weeks in the winter and a few in the summer and get nearly the same return, allowing them to buy into a market that is quickly pricing out all but the millionaire class.