Are you a full-time, part-time, or nonresident of Bozeman?
Full-time Bozeman resident.
Are there Short-Term Rentals in your neighborhood?
If you live in Bozeman, what is the impact of Short-Term Rentals (STRs) in your neighborhood?
I feel STRs have a positive impact on my neighborhood.
If you believe Short-Term Rentals (STRs) have positive impacts, why? (select all that apply)
It's an opportunity to meet new people.
STR properties are usually well cared for.
Other - A not insignificant portion of the renters are people who know they are moving to Bozeman or are considering it. It's nice to be able to let them know what the neighborhood and the community are like if they are not from a similar place.
If you believe Short-Term Rentals have negative impacts, why? (select all that apply)
Effect on supply of housing
Do you agree or disagree with the following regarding Short-Term Rentals (STRs)?
STRs should require a permit and be assessed fees. - Disagree
STRs should have a limit on the number of guests. - Disagree
There should be a density cap (only a certain number of STRs allowed per area/block). - Agree
The property owner should reside on-site. - Disagree
If the property owner is not on-site, there should be a local property manager / responsible person. - Agree
The City should not regulate STRs. - Disagree
Short-Term Rentals should be allowed in the following locations. (select all that apply)
Mixed-use areas (some residential, some commercial)
Commercial areas
How often should Short-Term Rentals be inspected?
Only when initially permitted
My primary reason for owning / operating a Short-Term Rental (STR) is...
To make additional income.
Other - My rental is adjacent to my house, and the backyards connect. It's very nice when my friends or family visit that they can stay right next-door and I can open up the fence and have a shared yard.
Please share any additional comments.
I made a spreadsheet to compare the profitability of my short-term rental versus renting it long-term. The return on investment was the same because the long-term rental avoids the landlord having to pay all the bills. With a short-term rental, I have to pay for utilities, cable, internet, and power plus cleaning and supplies like sheets and towels, cloth napkins, spices, and other cooking staples like flour, sugar, olive oil. Anyway, the return on investment was the same – and it was not high for either approach, only 4+%.
I'm glad that you are gathering data. I have been discouraged to see so much opposition to short-term rentals being anecdote-based and suppositional (and incorrect). I was happy that former Director Thomas gathered data from the police department. It showed that short term rentals are no more likely than regular rentals to have emergency medical calls or need police assistance. This was contradictory to the suppositional anecdotal public comments which were to the effect that short-term rentals are often crammed full of out-of-town partiers with no vested interest in being good neighbors.
Please make data-driven decisions, as opposed to being overly responsive to the vocal minority, which seems to be reacting out of fear and not necessarily supported by facts and data.
Bozeman Online City Hall is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Bozeman Online City Hall is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
Are you a full-time, part-time, or nonresident of Bozeman?
Are there Short-Term Rentals in your neighborhood?
If you live in Bozeman, what is the impact of Short-Term Rentals (STRs) in your neighborhood?
If you believe Short-Term Rentals (STRs) have positive impacts, why? (select all that apply)
If you believe Short-Term Rentals have negative impacts, why? (select all that apply)
Do you agree or disagree with the following regarding Short-Term Rentals (STRs)?
Short-Term Rentals should be allowed in the following locations. (select all that apply)
How often should Short-Term Rentals be inspected?
My primary reason for owning / operating a Short-Term Rental (STR) is...
Please share any additional comments.
I made a spreadsheet to compare the profitability of my short-term rental versus renting it long-term. The return on investment was the same because the long-term rental avoids the landlord having to pay all the bills. With a short-term rental, I have to pay for utilities, cable, internet, and power plus cleaning and supplies like sheets and towels, cloth napkins, spices, and other cooking staples like flour, sugar, olive oil. Anyway, the return on investment was the same – and it was not high for either approach, only 4+%.
I'm glad that you are gathering data. I have been discouraged to see so much opposition to short-term rentals being anecdote-based and suppositional (and incorrect). I was happy that former Director Thomas gathered data from the police department. It showed that short term rentals are no more likely than regular rentals to have emergency medical calls or need police assistance. This was contradictory to the suppositional anecdotal public comments which were to the effect that short-term rentals are often crammed full of out-of-town partiers with no vested interest in being good neighbors.
Please make data-driven decisions, as opposed to being overly responsive to the vocal minority, which seems to be reacting out of fear and not necessarily supported by facts and data.