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Strategic Plan to End Homelessness

What comments do you have regarding the proposed goals, objectives and action steps for the Virginia Beach Strategic Plan to End Homelessness?

Housing & Neighborhood Preservation’s Proposed 2017-18 Action Plan

What comments do you have regarding Housing and Neighborhood Preservation’s proposed 2017-2018 Annual Action Plan?

Bikeways and Trails Plan Update 2017

How can we make walking and biking better in Virginia Beach?

Housing Study

What housing issues do you believe Virginia Beach residents face? Please take a few moments to complete this short survey.

Arena Financing

Do you support the new private financing plan for the Virginia Beach arena? Why or why not?

Housing & Neighborhood Preservation’s Proposed 2016-17 Action Plan

What comments do you have regarding Housing and Neighborhood Preservation’s proposed 2016-2017 Annual Action Plan?

2015 Proposed Arena

Should the City Council approve the agreement between Virginia Beach and United States Management to build an arena at the resort? Yes or no. Why or why not?

Picking a New City Manager for the City of Virginia Beach

What talents and qualities do you want to see in a new city manager? What past experiences or professional background should he or she have?

Marshview Park Design Plan

Do you support the improvements to Marshview Park as described in the updated design plan?

Comment Period for Proposed Plans for Federally-Funded Housing Programs

What comments do you have regarding Housing and Neighborhood Preservation’s proposed 2015-2020 Five Year Consolidated Strategy and Plan and its 2015-2016 Annual Action Plan?

FOLLOW UP: Elderly and Disabled Real Estate Tax Relief Program

The City Council is considering three alternatives to changing the tax-relief program for senior citizens and the elderly. Which alternative do you prefer, and why?

Arts, Culture & Creativity for the Virginia Beach 2030 Arts Plan

The City of Virginia Beach Office of Cultural Affairs is dedicated to supporting and strengthening a rich arts and cultural community. Please help us shape the future of the arts and culture by providing us feedback through this survey.