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How can we make walking and biking better in Virginia Beach?

34 responses on forum

What do you like about walking and biking around Virginia Beach?


What do you dislike about walking and biking around Virginia Beach?


What are the best improvements we can make to our sidewalks and off-road paths?


What are the best improvements we can make to our on-road bike facilities?


How can we make walking and biking safer for all?

Todd Solomon inside Lynnhaven
April 27, 2017, 9:20 AM
  • What do you like about walking and biking around Virginia Beach?

    Exercise and healthy

  • What do you dislike about walking and biking around Virginia Beach?

    Some are dangerous. Poor condition, small, and no separation from high speed traffic

  • What are the best improvements we can make to our sidewalks and off-road paths?

    Add more

  • What are the best improvements we can make to our on-road bike facilities?

    Wider lanes, mark them better, buy more street sweepers to increase cleaning frequency

  • How can we make walking and biking safer for all?

    Change state laws to give pedestrian right of way prior to stepping into roadway. Similar to other states.

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Virginia Beach is Virginia’s largest city with 259 square miles of land, 51 square miles of waterways, and over 3,400 lane miles of roadways. We also have 152 miles of off-road paths and widened sidewalks, plus 142 miles of on-road bikeways. Just 7 years ago, we had only 120 miles off-road & 21 miles on-road.

Anywhere you go, you are likely to see someone walking or biking. Biking is very popular at the Resort area and the Bayfront, and it’s quite common everywhere in Virginia Beach. Even in places where it seems hazardous, you can see worn paths where people walk or bike. 

Bikeways & Trails Map

* required
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Use this information to answer the following question. 

Path Types

Virginia Beach’s system of off-road paths and sidewalks includes:

  • 1 mile of unpaved paths
  • 58 miles of paved paths
  • 54 miles of wide sidewalks (8’)
  • This doesn’t count “normal” sidewalks that are about 5 feet wide

Virginia Beach allows riding bikes on any sidewalk except in Resort Area or Town Center. 

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Use this information to answer the following question. 

Bike lanes

Virginia Beach’s system of on-road bike facilities includes:

  • 114 miles of 13’ outside lanes
  • 22 miles of 14’ outside lanes
  • 47 miles of paved shoulders
  • 20 miles of bike lanes
  • 0.16 miles of buffered bike lane 
* required

Focusing now on laws and customs, many report problems with sharing roads and paths. In 2011, people said that “Cyclists and motorists alike do not know or abide by the rules of the road or how to share the road.” For answering the last question, here’s a quick reminder and update about some of Virginia’s laws.


  • Must give at least 3 feet at a reasonable speed when passing bikes, mopeds and animals
  • May cross a double yellow line to pass bikes and pedestrians when they can do it safely


  • Must walk on sidewalks wherever available, or on the left of roads without sidewalks
  • Should cross roads only at intersections and marked crosswalks
  • May not cross roads in disregard of traffic


  • Have the same rights and duties as motorists, so they must obey all traffic signs and signals
  • Must ride as close as safely practicable to the right edge of roads, with some exceptions
  • From dusk to dawn, must use a front white light & a rear red reflector; on roads ≥35mph, must use a rear red light
* required
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