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Virtual Town Hall

Throughout the year, the Virginia Beach Public Library hosts Community Conversations at the Meyera E. Oberndorf Central Library. These are small group conversations about topics of local and national interest. For future planning, please share your ideas for possible future topics.

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50 responses on forum

How important are these topics to you (1=not important, 5=very important)?

Energy Future in Virginia Beach
Response Percent Response Count
1 6.0% 3
2 14.0% 7
3 22.0% 11
4 34.0% 17
5 24.0% 12
Guns and Violence
Response Percent Response Count
1 10.0% 5
2 20.0% 10
3 16.0% 8
4 14.0% 7
5 40.0% 20
Racial Tension
Response Percent Response Count
1 20.0% 10
2 16.0% 8
3 20.0% 10
4 20.0% 10
5 24.0% 12
Religious Freedom
Response Percent Response Count
1 20.0% 10
2 8.0% 4
3 26.0% 13
4 12.0% 6
5 34.0% 17
Response Percent Response Count
1 10.0% 5
2 10.0% 5
3 32.0% 16
4 24.0% 12
5 24.0% 12
Transportation Modes (public, light rail, mopeds, cars)
Response Percent Response Count
1 2.0% 1
2 8.0% 4
3 22.0% 11
4 16.0% 8
5 52.0% 26
Coping with Natural Disasters
Response Percent Response Count
2 8.0% 4
3 28.0% 14
4 38.0% 19
5 26.0% 13
Sea Level Rise
Response Percent Response Count
1 6.0% 3
2 16.0% 8
3 26.0% 13
4 26.0% 13
5 26.0% 13

Of the top five topics you rated highest, why are these important to you?


If not listed above, what topics would you like to see discussed?


What would be the best time for you to attend a community conversation program? (Check all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
MORNING - Monday - Thursday 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. 14.0% 7
MORNING - Monday - Thursday 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. 16.0% 8
MORNING - Monday - Thursday 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 Noon 32.0% 16
EVENING - Monday - Thursday 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. 32.0% 16
EVENING - Monday - Thursday 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. 34.0% 17
EVENING - Monday - Thursday 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. 36.0% 18
SUNDAY - 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. 36.0% 18

Additional Comments:

Bryan Hakey inside Centerville
May 2, 2016, 12:21 PM
  • How important are these topics to you (1=not important, 5=very important)?
    • Energy Future in Virginia Beach - 4
    • Guns and Violence - 4
    • Racial Tension - 2
    • Religious Freedom - 3
    • Immigration - 4
    • Transportation Modes (public, light rail, mopeds, cars) - 5
    • Coping with Natural Disasters - 5
    • Sea Level Rise - 5
  • Of the top five topics you rated highest, why are these important to you?
    • Transportation Is important because of the ongoing Light Capasity Rail conversation being so relevant. It would be nice to hear from someone outside of HRT who could make an intelligent argument for AND agents LR. I'd also like to hear about the traffic modeling the city is doing and how they predict future traffic volume/decide on different road projects. Specifically how did HRTPO come up with its recent 2040 LRTP predictions/decisions?
    • As a hurricane prone area Natural Disaster preparedness is vital. I would like to know about the different plans the city/state have to keep us safe and/or evacuate the area in a timely orderly manner should the "dooms day storm" happen. I know this has been a theoretical problem for some time so what has been done to improve?
    • As a coastal area we will be the first to experience sea leave rise. Even if the predictions don't come true subsidence will continue to raise relative water levels. What ideas are there to do something about it? What models has the city run? Where will the flooding occur if we do nothing?
  • If not listed above, what topics would you like to see discussed?
    No response.
  • What would be the best time for you to attend a community conversation program? (Check all that apply)
    • EVENING - Monday - Thursday 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
    • EVENING - Monday - Thursday 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
    • EVENING - Monday - Thursday 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
    • SUNDAY - 2:30 - 4:00 p.m.
  • Additional Comments:
    No response.
Virtual Town Hall is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Virtual Town Hall is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.

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This is the form that was used to collect responses. It's here so you can try it and see how it worked when the topic was open.

The topic is now closed, and anything you enter into this form will not be saved.

Energy Future in Virginia Beach
Guns and Violence
Racial Tension
Religious Freedom
Transportation Modes (public, light rail, mopeds, cars)
Coping with Natural Disasters
Sea Level Rise
* required
* required
Choose between 1 and 7 options
* required
Check out our guidelines for civility

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