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The City of Virginia Beach’s franchises for both cable television providers (Verizon and Cox) expire in 2016. We would like to hear from you about your experiences with cable television service. Please take this survey to help us better understand our community’s future cable television needs.

276 responses on forum

Who is your cable television provider?

Response Percent Response Count
Cox Communications 64.9% 179
Verizon FIOS 23.9% 66
I don't subscribe to cable television 11.2% 31

For subscribers, how satisfied are you with your current cable television service?

Response Percent Response Count
Very Satisfied 16.3% 45
Satisfied 19.2% 53
Dissatisfied 35.5% 98
Not at all Satisfied 22.5% 62
No Opinion 6.5% 18

If you indicated anything less than very satisfied with cable television service, why are you not very satisfied?


For those who don’t subscribe, why have you chosen not to subscribe to Cox or Verizon FiOS cable television service?


Are you aware of VBTV on local channels 46, 47 and 48 with Cox and 45, 46, 47 with Verizon?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 64.1% 177
No 35.9% 99

If yes, do you ever watch programming that airs on VBTV, such as City Council meetings, Access Virginia Beach, Frontline Firefighter, How-in-the-World or the Planning Commission meetings?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 29.3% 81
No 70.7% 195

Is there anything else you’d like to say about cable television service or VBTV in Virginia Beach?

alicia manning inside Beach
January 16, 2016, 11:03 PM
  • Who is your cable television provider?
    • Verizon FIOS
  • For subscribers, how satisfied are you with your current cable television service?
    • Satisfied
  • If you indicated anything less than very satisfied with cable television service, why are you not very satisfied?
    the only thing I have problem with is their billing department
  • For those who don’t subscribe, why have you chosen not to subscribe to Cox or Verizon FiOS cable television service?
    No response.
  • Are you aware of VBTV on local channels 46, 47 and 48 with Cox and 45, 46, 47 with Verizon?
    • Yes
  • If yes, do you ever watch programming that airs on VBTV, such as City Council meetings, Access Virginia Beach, Frontline Firefighter, How-in-the-World or the Planning Commission meetings?
    • No
  • Is there anything else you’d like to say about cable television service or VBTV in Virginia Beach?
    nothing at all
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