Virginia Beach Parks & Recreation presented an updated design plan for the next phase of Marshview Park to the public at an open house session at Seatack Recreation Center on Thursday, August 20. While more than two dozen nearby residents attended the event, we want to provide the opportunity for those who couldn’t attend to tell us what they think. Our hope is that together we can create a vibrant, active, outdoor space that reflects the community’s values. The updated plan has been posted at and we welcome thoughts and comments over the next month.
The design is based on the Marshview Master Plan concept that was developed in 2012 and includes dog parks, paved trails, open field play area, playground, picnic shelters, parking areas and a potential restroom building. In addition, play nodes, a new feature for our park system, will be introduced at this location. These are a series of smaller play areas along the trails that are intended to support a variety of nature-based play, exploration and education. Design is expected to be complete in early 2016, with construction of the park to follow.