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The City of Virginia Beach Office of Cultural Affairs is dedicated to supporting and strengthening a rich arts and cultural community. Please help us shape the future of the arts and culture by providing us feedback through this survey.

94 responses on forum

To what extent do the following factors pose a barrier to your participation in arts and cultural programming in Virginia Beach?

Distance (It's too far to drive or there is too much traffic)
Response Percent Response Count
Not a Barrier 55.3% 52
Somewhat of a Barrier 38.3% 36
Significant Barrier 6.4% 6
Cost (Ticket fees or admission costs are too high)
Response Percent Response Count
Not a Barrier 23.4% 22
Somewhat of a Barrier 52.1% 49
Significant Barrier 23.4% 22
Not Sure 1.1% 1
Lack of time (I don't have the time to devote to attending)
Response Percent Response Count
Not a Barrier 53.2% 50
Somewhat of a Barrier 38.3% 36
Significant Barrier 8.5% 8
Time of events (Events are too early/late in the day)
Response Percent Response Count
Not a Barrier 57.4% 54
Somewhat of a Barrier 34.0% 32
Significant Barrier 4.3% 4
Not Sure 4.3% 4
Ticketing (I don't like to plan far enough in advance to buy a ticket)
Response Percent Response Count
Not a Barrier 54.3% 51
Somewhat of a Barrier 36.2% 34
Significant Barrier 6.4% 6
Not Sure 3.2% 3
Content (I'm not interested in what is offered or I prefer to do other things)
Response Percent Response Count
Not a Barrier 39.4% 37
Somewhat of a Barrier 43.6% 41
Significant Barrier 14.9% 14
Not Sure 2.1% 2
Marketing (I don't hear about events at all or until it's too late to plan)
Response Percent Response Count
Not a Barrier 16.0% 15
Somewhat of a Barrier 34.0% 32
Significant Barrier 46.8% 44
Not Sure 3.2% 3
Safety (I don't feel safe traveling to or from the venue, or at the venue location)
Response Percent Response Count
Not a Barrier 86.2% 81
Somewhat of a Barrier 12.8% 12
Not Sure 1.1% 1
Accessibility, Transportation or Parking (I am unable to access the facility because it is not ADA compliant or cannot be reached by public transit or there is not ample parking nearby)
Response Percent Response Count
Not a Barrier 67.0% 63
Somewhat of a Barrier 16.0% 15
Significant Barrier 16.0% 15
Not Sure 1.1% 1
Child Care (Can't find childcare or childcare costs are too high)
Response Percent Response Count
Not a Barrier 84.0% 79
Somewhat of a Barrier 12.8% 12
Significant Barrier 2.1% 2
Not Sure 1.1% 1

How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about what arts, culture and creativity do for the City of Virginia Beach?

Arts, culture and creativity in Virginia Beach celebrate the unique history and heritage of our city.
Response Percent Response Count
Strongly Disagree 11.7% 11
Somewhat Disagree 16.0% 15
Neither Agree or Disagree 21.3% 20
Somewhat Agree 36.2% 34
Strongly Agree 14.9% 14
Arts, culture and creativity in Virginia Beach educate disadvantaged populations.
Response Percent Response Count
Strongly Disagree 19.1% 18
Somewhat Disagree 20.2% 19
Neither Agree or Disagree 33.0% 31
Somewhat Agree 13.8% 13
Strongly Agree 13.8% 13
Arts, culture and creativity in Virginia Beach provide lifelong learning opportunities for adults.
Response Percent Response Count
Strongly Disagree 5.3% 5
Somewhat Disagree 9.6% 9
Neither Agree or Disagree 12.8% 12
Somewhat Agree 41.5% 39
Strongly Agree 30.9% 29
Arts, culture and creativity in Virginia Beach contribute to the city's economy.
Response Percent Response Count
Strongly Disagree 8.5% 8
Somewhat Disagree 5.3% 5
Neither Agree or Disagree 8.5% 8
Somewhat Agree 31.9% 30
Strongly Agree 45.7% 43
Arts, culture and creativity in Virginia Beach bring communities together.
Response Percent Response Count
Strongly Disagree 6.4% 6
Somewhat Disagree 14.9% 14
Neither Agree or Disagree 8.5% 8
Somewhat Agree 33.0% 31
Strongly Agree 37.2% 35
Arts, culture and creativity in Virginia Beach educate youth.
Response Percent Response Count
Strongly Disagree 6.4% 6
Somewhat Disagree 7.4% 7
Neither Agree or Disagree 8.5% 8
Somewhat Agree 37.2% 35
Strongly Agree 40.4% 38
Arts, culture and creativity in Virginia Beach increase quality of life and livability.
Response Percent Response Count
Strongly Disagree 7.4% 7
Somewhat Disagree 5.3% 5
Neither Agree or Disagree 5.3% 5
Somewhat Agree 30.9% 29
Strongly Agree 51.1% 48
Arts, culture and creativity in Virginia Beach represent our diverse communities.
Response Percent Response Count
Strongly Disagree 8.5% 8
Somewhat Disagree 19.1% 18
Neither Agree or Disagree 22.3% 21
Somewhat Agree 30.9% 29
Strongly Agree 19.1% 18
Arts, culture and creativity in Virginia Beach support and create active and unique neighborhoods.
Response Percent Response Count
Strongly Disagree 12.8% 12
Somewhat Disagree 22.3% 21
Neither Agree or Disagree 22.3% 21
Somewhat Agree 21.3% 20
Strongly Agree 21.3% 20
Arts, culture and creativity in Virginia Beach attract tourism.
Response Percent Response Count
Strongly Disagree 3.2% 3
Somewhat Disagree 13.8% 13
Neither Agree or Disagree 16.0% 15
Somewhat Agree 37.2% 35
Strongly Agree 29.8% 28
Arts, culture and creativity in Virginia Beach provide a point of distinction from other regional communities.
Response Percent Response Count
Strongly Disagree 8.5% 8
Somewhat Disagree 18.1% 17
Neither Agree or Disagree 22.3% 21
Somewhat Agree 31.9% 30
Strongly Agree 19.1% 18

By the year 2030, what are the top 3 things you would like to see for Virginia Beach's arts, cultural and creative community? (Please select up to 3 options from the list.)

Response Percent Response Count
Greater use of new media technologies (Facebook, Twitter, apps, etc.) for promotion and communication 9.6% 9
Arts education for every child in every school 47.9% 45
More corporate support 11.7% 11
Greater partnership between the city government and the arts, cultural and creative community 16.0% 15
Better transportation to and parking for events and venues 16.0% 15
More diverse people involved in the arts, cultural and creative community 16.0% 15
More art visible around the city 30.9% 29
National recognition as an arts, cultural and creative destination 14.9% 14
Centralized resource for finding out about arts, cultural and creative events and programs in Virginia Beach 29.8% 28
Greater partnership between business and the arts, cultural and creative community 12.8% 12
Successful artists can stay and flourish in Virginia Beach 20.2% 19
More defined support for arts district(s) 19.1% 18
More affordable arts, cultural and creative events and programs 29.8% 28
More collaboration among different arts, cultural and creative people and organizations 16.0% 15

What is the most important action that the city leaders can take in support of arts, culture and creativity?


Please provide any additional thoughts or comments about the arts, culture and creativity in Virginia Beach.


Are you a resident, business owner or both?

Response Percent Response Count
Resident 80.9% 76
Business Owner 3.2% 3
Resident and Business Owner 16.0% 15

What is your age?


What is your zip code?

Barbara Clark inside Lynnhaven
March 6, 2015, 9:31 AM
  • To what extent do the following factors pose a barrier to your participation in arts and cultural programming in Virginia Beach?
    • Distance (It's too far to drive or there is too much traffic) - Not a Barrier
    • Cost (Ticket fees or admission costs are too high) - Not a Barrier
    • Lack of time (I don't have the time to devote to attending) - Significant Barrier
    • Time of events (Events are too early/late in the day) - Somewhat of a Barrier
    • Ticketing (I don't like to plan far enough in advance to buy a ticket) - Somewhat of a Barrier
    • Content (I'm not interested in what is offered or I prefer to do other things) - Somewhat of a Barrier
    • Marketing (I don't hear about events at all or until it's too late to plan) - Somewhat of a Barrier
    • Safety (I don't feel safe traveling to or from the venue, or at the venue location) - Not a Barrier
    • Accessibility, Transportation or Parking (I am unable to access the facility because it is not ADA compliant or cannot be reached by public transit or there is not ample parking nearby) - Not a Barrier
    • Child Care (Can't find childcare or childcare costs are too high) - Not a Barrier
  • How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about what arts, culture and creativity do for the City of Virginia Beach?
    • Arts, culture and creativity in Virginia Beach celebrate the unique history and heritage of our city. - Somewhat Agree
    • Arts, culture and creativity in Virginia Beach educate disadvantaged populations. - Strongly Agree
    • Arts, culture and creativity in Virginia Beach provide lifelong learning opportunities for adults. - Strongly Agree
    • Arts, culture and creativity in Virginia Beach contribute to the city's economy. - Strongly Agree
    • Arts, culture and creativity in Virginia Beach bring communities together. - Strongly Agree
    • Arts, culture and creativity in Virginia Beach educate youth. - Strongly Agree
    • Arts, culture and creativity in Virginia Beach increase quality of life and livability. - Strongly Agree
    • Arts, culture and creativity in Virginia Beach represent our diverse communities. - Somewhat Disagree
    • Arts, culture and creativity in Virginia Beach support and create active and unique neighborhoods. - Strongly Disagree
    • Arts, culture and creativity in Virginia Beach attract tourism. - Strongly Agree
    • Arts, culture and creativity in Virginia Beach provide a point of distinction from other regional communities. - Somewhat Agree
  • By the year 2030, what are the top 3 things you would like to see for Virginia Beach's arts, cultural and creative community? (Please select up to 3 options from the list.)
    • Greater partnership between the city government and the arts, cultural and creative community
    • Greater partnership between business and the arts, cultural and creative community
    • More defined support for arts district(s)
  • What is the most important action that the city leaders can take in support of arts, culture and creativity?
    Support for art and culture districts to include businesses and neighborhoods in the form of grants. Get Virginia Beach Boulevard declared an historic boulevard (it's the oldest and longest in Virginia, was Daniel Boone trail).
  • Please provide any additional thoughts or comments about the arts, culture and creativity in Virginia Beach.
    Need to promote this toward creating a 'sense of place.' What makes our city unique to attract visitors. Please see this article:
  • Are you a resident, business owner or both?
    • Resident
  • What is your age?
  • What is your zip code?
Virtual Town Hall is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Virtual Town Hall is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.

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Not a Barrier
Somewhat of a Barrier
Significant Barrier
Not Sure
Distance (It's too far to drive or there is too much traffic)
Cost (Ticket fees or admission costs are too high)
Lack of time (I don't have the time to devote to attending)
Time of events (Events are too early/late in the day)
Ticketing (I don't like to plan far enough in advance to buy a ticket)
Content (I'm not interested in what is offered or I prefer to do other things)
Marketing (I don't hear about events at all or until it's too late to plan)
Safety (I don't feel safe traveling to or from the venue, or at the venue location)
Accessibility, Transportation or Parking (I am unable to access the facility because it is not ADA compliant or cannot be reached by public transit or there is not ample parking nearby)
Child Care (Can't find childcare or childcare costs are too high)
* required
Strongly Disagree
Somewhat Disagree
Neither Agree or Disagree
Somewhat Agree
Strongly Agree
Arts, culture and creativity in Virginia Beach celebrate the unique history and heritage of our city.
Arts, culture and creativity in Virginia Beach educate disadvantaged populations.
Arts, culture and creativity in Virginia Beach provide lifelong learning opportunities for adults.
Arts, culture and creativity in Virginia Beach contribute to the city's economy.
Arts, culture and creativity in Virginia Beach bring communities together.
Arts, culture and creativity in Virginia Beach educate youth.
Arts, culture and creativity in Virginia Beach increase quality of life and livability.
Arts, culture and creativity in Virginia Beach represent our diverse communities.
Arts, culture and creativity in Virginia Beach support and create active and unique neighborhoods.
Arts, culture and creativity in Virginia Beach attract tourism.
Arts, culture and creativity in Virginia Beach provide a point of distinction from other regional communities.
* required
Choose between 1 and 3 options
* required
* required
* required
Number between 0 and 110
* required
* required
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