28 statements on forum
Brian Mileski inside Beach
March 1, 2013, 2:39 PM
Raises for public safety officials, Police, Fire, and also Teachers. We are not retaining good employees, some have even left to go to neighboring Cities(Norfolk, Chesapeake). We should take care of the men and woman, who work nights, weekends, holidays, and over time risking their lives to keep us safe. While their loved ones wonder and pray for their safe return. We also need to take care of the men and woman responsible for our children's future. Its time to give back to these public servants. Pay Raises for public safety, teachers, and City employees should be at the top of the list. Not only pay raises, but try to make up for the past 5 years they have went with only one cost of living raise.
Thomas Ligon inside Princess Anne
February 28, 2013, 6:58 PM
With a budget shortfall, I suggest you do as I have to. Without . Stop investing in pie in the sky ( arenas ) and such.
frank papcin inside Lynnhaven
February 23, 2013, 4:25 PM
what I would like to see is the projected operational cost for that planed cho cho to the beach.--I know that you don't have solid costs now,--but you must have projected costs.--and how do you plan on getting that money,- before all that planed future revenue from projected development along that line.
--bottom line--what's the projected costs to the home owners?--right after the state stops paying their share?
example is; NORFOLK"S costs are projected to be $11 million a year for only 4.7 miles of track.--what's our for 12 miles?
frank in va.bch.
Richard Dunning inside Lynnhaven
February 20, 2013, 3:56 PM
Bryan Stevenson inside Centerville
February 18, 2013, 10:07 PM
Add nothing to the city budget.
Joseph Polozzi inside Bayside
February 17, 2013, 3:08 PM
I would like to see Virginia Beach truly back public safety by compensating police, fire, and EMS personnel fairly and competitively. The citizens will continue to benefit from having highly skilled and qualified public safety departments as long as these professionals are compensated. Currently around 1/3 of public safety employees are making starting pay and are making less than they were a couple years ago. We can't afford to lose these assets to the private sector or other cities.
Greg Parker inside Kempsville
February 16, 2013, 10:24 PM
Suspend all projects with an emphasis on the investigation of Light Rail. You take pride in this city and its benfits to its residents and visitors. Now step back and take pride in the men and women who are employed by the City of Virginia Beach. They are the work force that's keeps Virginia Beach a wonderful place to live as well as visit. Raises for all city employees is a must. It is unacceptable to not take care of those that take care of this city.
Conrad Austin inside Beach
February 16, 2013, 7:04 PM
No new projects! Let's take care of our city and our people. Fund fair pay for our entry level employees. Take care of our current project, roads, older buildings, and our under paid lower level staff.
Derek Degges inside Kempsville
February 14, 2013, 10:03 PM
-Increased Public Safety positions: More Firefighters, Police and Paid Paramedics. These Public Servants are already stretched thin and asked to do a lot with little. The least we could do is give them more staffing to make their jobs more effective for us and safer for them.
-More pay for City Employees: If we want the best schools, we need the best teachers. This means provide more (monetary, benefit) incentive to work here. That same philosophy goes for all of our city employees--from the Accountants that squeeze money into our budget to the Police and Firemen that keep us safe.
-Better roads and better planning for future road needs. If we're growing that fast, maybe that planned two lane road should be 3, or that 5 lane intersection should be a flyover. It's only going to get busier and it's not going to get cheaper.
William Bailey inside Kempsville
February 14, 2013, 7:50 PM
Raises for all employees please. 1/3 of the fire department employees are making starting salary or less from recruit firefighter up until the day before progressing to a Master firefighter position at 6 years in position. This is unacceptable!!!
The cost of living has been going up, health insurance has increased and the employees are now contributing to their own retirement. Some are making less money now then they were a few years ago. If the City can find money for an arena and light rail, then it needs to find money for its own. The city wants to bring "high paying jobs with good benefits" to our community so how about starting with the 17,000 city and school employees already here!
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Raises for public safety officials, Police, Fire, and also Teachers. We are not retaining good employees, some have even left to go to neighboring Cities(Norfolk, Chesapeake). We should take care of the men and woman, who work nights, weekends, holidays, and over time risking their lives to keep us safe. While their loved ones wonder and pray for their safe return. We also need to take care of the men and woman responsible for our children's future. Its time to give back to these public servants. Pay Raises for public safety, teachers, and City employees should be at the top of the list. Not only pay raises, but try to make up for the past 5 years they have went with only one cost of living raise.