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Virtual Town Hall

What would you add to the City budget if anything?

Thank you for participating!

Under Review

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the upcoming Operating Budget.  The Proposed Operating Budget and CIP will be presented to City Council on March 26. All the thoughts expressed here – positive and negative – will be conveyed to the City Council and senior city staff as we finalize the Proposed Budget. Given the issues of Sequestration and limitations on State funding we may be restricted in how to address the issues raised. Once the budget is presented there are two public hearings, one at Virginia Beach Middle School on April 18th and the other is on April 22 in the City Council Chambers, both are at 6 p.m. and will be televised.

Again, thank you for providing your thoughts on the City Budget.

Mayor William D. Sessoms, Jr. and members of the Virginia Beach City Council

City Manager Dave Hansen

Catheryn Whitesell Budget Director