Improve Our Tulsa, approved by voters in 2013, provided $918.7 million for street projects and capital improvements for many areas of city services. Project funding is distributed among the nine City Council districts according to need. A complete listing of the projects, including costs, can be found at
The City of Tulsa is preparing a renewal of Improve Our Tulsa, scheduled for a vote on Nov. 12. Town hall meetings will be held in April and May to receive citizen comments about what projects should be included in the renewal funding package. Please take the time to fill out this short survey about Improve Our Tulsa.
In 2018 the City conducted the Gallup-Tulsa Citivoice Index to assess quality of life and civic engagement among residents. In this study, when asked to identify up to three issues most needed to improve Tulsa, the majority of residents said better roads, highways, and bridges. To help the City provide information and address the top need identified by our citizens, please take the following survey.
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