Do you reside within the city limits of Tulsa and are you 18 years of age or older?
How satisfied are you with the following aspects of City streets and rights of way:
Condition of major City streets - 2 = Somewhat dissatisfied
Condition of streets in your neighborhood - 4 = Somewhat satisfied
Condition of landscaping in medians and along city streets - 4 = Somewhat satisfied
Adequacy of City street lighting - 2 = Somewhat dissatisfied
Cleanliness of City streets and other public areas - 4 = Somewhat satisfied
Maintenance of City streets - 2 = Somewhat dissatisfied
Snow removal on major City streets during the past two years - 4 = Somewhat satisfied
Overall quality of the City's storm water/runoff management system - 2 = Somewhat dissatisfied
How satisfied are you with the following:
Overall quality of City parks - 3 = Neutral/Don't know
Quality of the City's public transit system - 3 = Neutral/Don't know
Flow of traffic/ease of getting around town - 2 = Somewhat dissatisfied
How well the City is planning growth - 2 = Somewhat dissatisfied
Overall quality of downtown - 4 = Somewhat satisfied
Overall economic development effort by the City - 4 = Somewhat satisfied
How satisfied are you with the City's management in the following areas:
Overall quality of services provided by the City - 3 = Neutral/Don't know
Overall enforcement of City codes and ordinances - 4 = Somewhat satisfied
Value you receive for City taxes and fees - 3 = Neutral/Don't know
City communication with the public - 3 = Neutral/Don't know
The availability of information about City programs and services - 2 = Somewhat dissatisfied
The City's web site as a source of information - 2 = Somewhat dissatisfied
Approximately how many years have you lived in the city of Tulsa?
More than 20 years
Do you own or rent your current residence?
What is the highest level of education you've had the opportunity to complete?
Post-graduate degree
Into which of the following age groups do you fall?
Which of the following groups does the total annual income of your household fall?
$50,000 to $74,999
What is your gender?
In what City council district do you reside? If you aren't sure you can go to and identify your council district with your home address.
I'm not sure
Which of the following best describes your ethnic background?
FeedbackTulsa is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in FeedbackTulsa is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
Do you reside within the city limits of Tulsa and are you 18 years of age or older?
How satisfied are you with the following aspects of City streets and rights of way:
How satisfied are you with the following:
How satisfied are you with the City's management in the following areas:
Approximately how many years have you lived in the city of Tulsa?
Do you own or rent your current residence?
What is the highest level of education you've had the opportunity to complete?
Into which of the following age groups do you fall?
Which of the following groups does the total annual income of your household fall?
What is your gender?
In what City council district do you reside? If you aren't sure you can go to and identify your council district with your home address.
Which of the following best describes your ethnic background?