Should we limit the number of new Small Box Discount Stores in parts of northern Tulsa?
Thank you for participating!
Thank you for your feedback on this important issue. Staff reviewed all comments and concerns provided within this survey, as well as two community input meetings, and rewrote the proposed overlay to better fit the needs of the citizens and communities in North Tulsa. The newly named healthy neighborhoods overlay was voted on by City Council at their meeting on April 11, 2018 and passed 5-2, with two councilors absent.
The purpose of the healthy neighborhoods overlay (HNO) is to modify and supplement regulations in a specified area where there is a desire for greater diversity in retail options and convenient access to fresh meats, fruits and vegetables. These regulations are intended to:
- Avoid and reduce over-concentration of small box discount stores in the area.
- Encourage and streamline grassroots access to fresh meats, fruits and vegetables.
- Encourage a greater diversity of retail activity and purchasing options within the area.
- Allow for a more community-based approach to distributing and purchasing fresh meats, fruits and vegetables in a specified area.
- Promote investment and development in a community where change is desired.
Read this Tulsa World article to learn more about the City Council vote. The ordinance can be read in its entirety here. For more information on the ordinance, please contact Amber Wagoner at [email protected].
Thank you again for participating!

Tulsa Mayor G.T. Bynum

Tulsa City Council