How would you prioritize the needs to be addressed by the future City of Tulsa vision?
233 Registered Priority Lists
233 registered priority lists
Jessie C inside District 9
Making more long-term repairs to help with the occurrence of potholes and other arterial street improvements.
More bus routes, faster pick-up times on bus routes, rail.
More street striping, traffic signal synchronization.
Infrastructure development, Maintenance of City owned facilities that are in poor shape.
Improve the dams to keep water in the Arkansas River.
Hiring more police/fire/911 personnel/code enforcement officers along with capital needs.
Community projects and City park projects.
Neighborhood projects that improve function and help with beautification efforts in the community.
C Evans inside District 9
Hiring more police/fire/911 personnel/code enforcement officers along with capital needs.
More street striping, traffic signal synchronization.
Making more long-term repairs to help with the occurrence of potholes and other arterial street improvements.
More bus routes, faster pick-up times on bus routes, rail.
Infrastructure development, Maintenance of City owned facilities that are in poor shape.
Improve the dams to keep water in the Arkansas River.
Community projects and City park projects.
Neighborhood projects that improve function and help with beautification efforts in the community.
Marilyn Newsom inside District 6
Infrastructure development, Maintenance of City owned facilities that are in poor shape.
Neighborhood projects that improve function and help with beautification efforts in the community.
Hiring more police/fire/911 personnel/code enforcement officers along with capital needs.
Community projects and City park projects.
Improve the dams to keep water in the Arkansas River.
Making more long-term repairs to help with the occurrence of potholes and other arterial street improvements.
More street striping, traffic signal synchronization.
More bus routes, faster pick-up times on bus routes, rail.
I have lived in Tulsa my entire 65 of my 66 years. I love this city and remember when we were called the Most Beautiful City. I am afraid that we have concentrated only on certain areas of our city and that many areas are excluded from any beautification. I live in east Tulsa and I have a problem with the many food carts and truck that are chained to poles and they never go home. They are unsightly and take away from the area. An example would be on 41st and Garnett area there are three food carts that never leave close to the Wyndham Hotel. What do visitors think when they come here and see this. There are so many in the 21st and Garnett area that it is ridiculous. I wrote to Skip Steele when he was our city councilor that there should be a designated area for these trucks and carts that would be like a park area with table etc.
Also when I visited my daughter in Texas, even in the smaller towns they had a uniform fence for the homes that backed up to the main streets. Sometime when I drive down Garnett, 129th and any of the main street in this area all I see is fallen down fences or partially fallen down fences. I make it look like the slums. Please consider that all areas need to be improved, not just the south side of town or the River Parks area. Everyone should benefit from any more Vision money.
We should also encourage more retail shopping not just grocery and restaurants in East Tulsa
When people have to do community service for minor legal charges, please make sure that they address the blue graffiti that is showing up all over town..
Marilyn Newsom
I love Tulsa and want it to still be beautiful
David and Ricki Jackson inside District 4
Hiring more police/fire/911 personnel/code enforcement officers along with capital needs.
Making more long-term repairs to help with the occurrence of potholes and other arterial street improvements.
Infrastructure development, Maintenance of City owned facilities that are in poor shape.
More bus routes, faster pick-up times on bus routes, rail.
More street striping, traffic signal synchronization.
Community projects and City park projects.
Improve the dams to keep water in the Arkansas River.
Neighborhood projects that improve function and help with beautification efforts in the community.
Let's focus on the basics, the core responsibilities of government. After those are at 85% start looking at the fun, optional projects.
Ronald Smith inside District 9
Community projects and City park projects.
More bus routes, faster pick-up times on bus routes, rail.
Infrastructure development, Maintenance of City owned facilities that are in poor shape.
Neighborhood projects that improve function and help with beautification efforts in the community.
Improve the dams to keep water in the Arkansas River.
Making more long-term repairs to help with the occurrence of potholes and other arterial street improvements.
Hiring more police/fire/911 personnel/code enforcement officers along with capital needs.
More street striping, traffic signal synchronization.
I take "Quality of Life" to encompass many of the other items on the list. All of these items are important, but I believe Quality of Life, Transportation and Economic Development should be the priorities.
There is a beneficial way to develop the core, but it will mean having to take a brave stand against some very outspoken citizens who seem anti-city. The suburbs are great, that's where I live and work, and we should encourage and support making our neighborhoods more beautiful, healthy and safe. But I also want a city core nearby that is convenient, safe, pleasant, prosperous and efficient. To those ends, we need transportation (both from the suburbs to the core and within the city core), better walkability, beautification and sustainability.
So, to improve our quality of life, I support some kind of efficient, family & neighborhood friendly, light rail system that can take passengers from suburban hubs to the city core. It doesn't have to solve every problem at once. It could start by connecting downtown with south Tulsa/Jenks along the river, or downtown to the 71st Street/Woodland Hills Mall nightmare region, or there are several other options that are just as valid for discussion. Whatever the details, we have to start thinking about efficiency and growth with the coming decades in mind, not just the coming quarter. We once had a bustling passenger rail station in downtown Tulsa. It made sense then and it makes sense now. Building our city ever-outward with high-maintenance highways is the opposite of efficient, it's costly, ugly, and does nothing to improve quality of life.
Dallas Ferguson inside District 9
Infrastructure development, Maintenance of City owned facilities that are in poor shape.
Improve the dams to keep water in the Arkansas River.
Community projects and City park projects.
More bus routes, faster pick-up times on bus routes, rail.
Neighborhood projects that improve function and help with beautification efforts in the community.
Hiring more police/fire/911 personnel/code enforcement officers along with capital needs.
Making more long-term repairs to help with the occurrence of potholes and other arterial street improvements.
More street striping, traffic signal synchronization.
Debbie Shroff inside District 7
More bus routes, faster pick-up times on bus routes, rail.
Community projects and City park projects.
Hiring more police/fire/911 personnel/code enforcement officers along with capital needs.
Infrastructure development, Maintenance of City owned facilities that are in poor shape.
Improve the dams to keep water in the Arkansas River.
Making more long-term repairs to help with the occurrence of potholes and other arterial street improvements.
More street striping, traffic signal synchronization.
Neighborhood projects that improve function and help with beautification efforts in the community.
I am all for a monorail or some kind of mass transit system. This would mean easier transportation for all of us, save our streets from the daily wear and tear, cut down on traffic, decrease traffic fatalities, young people could "text and ride", and prevent pouring endless money into streets for the next 100 years. And if the mass transit system (NOT buses) had hubs in Broken Arrow, Owasso, Sand Springs, Sapulpa, etc.....I would imagine it would even increase commerce not only for those towns, but for persons wanting to travel into Tulsa. It seems like a win/win to me, and I don't understand what's taking us so long..?
James Ball inside District 3
More street striping, traffic signal synchronization.
Making more long-term repairs to help with the occurrence of potholes and other arterial street improvements.
More bus routes, faster pick-up times on bus routes, rail.
Infrastructure development, Maintenance of City owned facilities that are in poor shape.
Neighborhood projects that improve function and help with beautification efforts in the community.
Hiring more police/fire/911 personnel/code enforcement officers along with capital needs.
Community projects and City park projects.
Improve the dams to keep water in the Arkansas River.
Concentrate on infrastructure. Many of us in Tulsa do not want the entire wild river parks area to become an ugly over development like the casino, keep it wild. Did you not learn that from the Turkey Mountain protests? Fix streets which leads to safer traffic and give us a real public transit that we will use. Economic development will follow a well maintained and beautiful city. How can you have neighborhood beautification if you cannot cut your grass or keep your parks open and fully functional. Get the recreation centers open to serve the community instead of putting all your eggs into the Gathering Place basket which, if history repeats itself, the city will fail to maintain and it will be in the same sad shape our other parks are in now. Set priorities city wide and learn how to budget.
Richard Baldwin inside District 7
Making more long-term repairs to help with the occurrence of potholes and other arterial street improvements.
More bus routes, faster pick-up times on bus routes, rail.
More street striping, traffic signal synchronization.
Hiring more police/fire/911 personnel/code enforcement officers along with capital needs.
Infrastructure development, Maintenance of City owned facilities that are in poor shape.
Neighborhood projects that improve function and help with beautification efforts in the community.
Community projects and City park projects.
Improve the dams to keep water in the Arkansas River.
Andy Gelmers inside District 8
Making more long-term repairs to help with the occurrence of potholes and other arterial street improvements.
More street striping, traffic signal synchronization.
Improve the dams to keep water in the Arkansas River.
Neighborhood projects that improve function and help with beautification efforts in the community.
Infrastructure development, Maintenance of City owned facilities that are in poor shape.
More bus routes, faster pick-up times on bus routes, rail.
Community projects and City park projects.
Hiring more police/fire/911 personnel/code enforcement officers along with capital needs.
I really think all sales tax money should be spent on street improvement ONLY. Every street I use in south tulsa is in terrible shape, overcrowded and needs repair. Even recently repaired streets need to be repaired.
I don't think any sales tax dollars should be spent on operational department budgets.
Sales tax dollars should only be spent on capital improvement projects.
Its hard for me to believe we elected a republican mayor who always wants to increase taxes and spending.
The city should do what families and businesses do - become more efficient, cut spending, live and operate within their means.
I don't think any more money should be spent four laning roads in north tulsa that nobody uses hoping for economic development, when roads in south tulsa, where tax dollars are generated, are narrow, overcrowded and falling apart.
If the county is going to raise funds from jail operations then the county should be shut out of the sales tax dollar proposal.
I think traffic engineers are doing a terrible job with traffic lights, tripping, sequence and timing. They are much slower, less responsive, worse than a few years ago. When I try to call the city to explain problems I am rebuffed and prevented from discussing issues with the traffic department.
I don't think Blake Ewing should be receiving preferential treatment to further his own personal economic wealth and success.
I don't think city councilors should be supporting trespassers, squatters and bullies who are preventing economic development on private property next to turkey mountain. I am sorrily disappointed that councilors seem happy to destroy existing park property on riverside drive by allowing commercial development inside riverside park.
I don't think the city should raise water and sewer rates every year. I think the city should adopt a goal to REDUCE rates every year by becoming more efficient.
If the mayor says having sidewalks on riverside drive are dangerous, then what is the city going to do about the miles of sidewalks along all arterial streets all over the city to make them safe?