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(You may be asked to solve a simple puzzle that is easy for humans but difficult for computers)
Plan Bay Area 2040 - Growth Strategies

What do you think of the proposed ideas to successfully manage future growth in the Bay Area?

Goals and Targets for Plan Bay Area — Part 1

Use three dots to indicate your top three personal priorities for the current goals and targets of Plan Bay Area.

Plan Bay Area 101

Introduction to Plan Bay Area 2040

Goals and Targets for Plan Bay Area — Part 2

Is there anything missing from the current goals of Plan Bay Area?

Goals and Targets for Plan Bay Area — Part 3

What are the biggest challenges facing your community? The Bay Area? What are your ideas for solving these challenges?

Transportation — Part 1

What transportation projects are missing? What would make it easier for you to get where you need to go?

Transportation — Part 2

What are the biggest transportation challenges in your town? In the Bay Area? What would make it better?

Looking Ahead

What concerns you about the future of your community? What possibilities most excite you?

County Focus

Learn about key issues to consider for your community as we update Plan Bay Area.

Virtual Open House Evaluation

Tell us what you think!

Describe Your Community

Use three adjectives to describe what you like about your neighborhood or town/city.

Public Participation Plan

How can we keep you better informed?

Smart Driving

What strategies do you use to save money on gas?