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Open Saint Paul

Tell us how you feel about and what you prioritize related to trash collection.

410 registered responses

Please tell us how important each of the following items are related to how you choose a trash hauler on a scale from 1 through 5 (with 1 being least important and 5 being most important)?

Opportunities for small, local and minority owned
Response Percent Response Count
1 9.0% 37
2 7.1% 29
3 22.2% 91
4 26.2% 107
5 35.0% 143
Consistent, quality customer service
Response Percent Response Count
1 1.7% 7
2 1.7% 7
3 6.6% 27
4 21.3% 87
5 68.0% 278
Stable and uniform rates
Response Percent Response Count
1 3.2% 13
2 3.2% 13
3 11.7% 48
4 28.6% 117
5 52.3% 214
Wear and tear from truck traffic on street and in alleys
Response Percent Response Count
1 14.2% 58
2 7.1% 29
3 14.2% 58
4 18.8% 77
5 45.0% 184
Options for convenient and proper disposal of bulky items (appliances, mattresses, etc.)
Response Percent Response Count
1 6.6% 27
2 10.3% 42
3 24.4% 100
4 26.9% 110
5 31.1% 127
Reduction in illegal dumping
Response Percent Response Count
1 9.3% 38
2 7.1% 29
3 17.4% 71
4 19.8% 81
5 45.7% 187
Reasonable, low cost for trash service
Response Percent Response Count
1 2.7% 11
2 2.4% 10
3 17.1% 70
4 29.3% 120
5 47.9% 196
Financial incentives to recycle more
Response Percent Response Count
1 10.0% 41
2 9.5% 39
3 16.9% 69
4 19.6% 80
5 43.3% 177
Individual choice of hauler
Response Percent Response Count
1 43.5% 178
2 13.4% 55
3 12.5% 51
4 5.4% 22
5 24.7% 101
Pollution from the trucks servicing my neighborhood
Response Percent Response Count
1 15.6% 64
2 8.3% 34
3 12.2% 50
4 20.0% 82
5 43.5% 178
Noise from the trucks servicing my neighborhood
Response Percent Response Count
1 17.1% 70
2 14.2% 58
3 14.4% 59
4 16.6% 68
5 37.4% 153
Safety concerns related to large trucks servicing my neighborhood
Response Percent Response Count
1 21.0% 86
2 16.6% 68
3 18.1% 74
4 17.4% 71
5 25.7% 105
Easy access for new residents and non-English speakers
Response Percent Response Count
1 13.0% 53
2 10.5% 43
3 26.7% 109
4 24.7% 101
5 23.5% 96

Which aspects of customer service are most important to you regarding your garbage collection, on a scale from 1 through 5 (with 1 being least important and 5 being most important)?

Ability to talk to a person when I have a question or problem with my trash service
Response Percent Response Count
1 3.9% 16
2 4.9% 20
3 15.9% 65
4 31.9% 130
5 43.4% 177
Ability to set out extra bags occasionally for no extra charge
Response Percent Response Count
1 14.5% 59
2 13.2% 54
3 23.8% 97
4 23.3% 95
5 24.8% 101
Carts are left in the same location after pick up
Response Percent Response Count
1 8.8% 36
2 15.2% 62
3 29.9% 122
4 22.3% 91
5 23.3% 95
Ability to pay extra for large, special clean out service related to moving, clean up or remodeling
Response Percent Response Count
1 9.8% 40
2 8.8% 36
3 30.4% 124
4 31.4% 128
5 17.9% 73

Does your alley get plowed?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 66.7% 140
No 33.3% 70

If Yes, who plows the alley?

Response Percent Response Count
You/Neighbor 11.5% 21
Private company 53.3% 97
I don't know 8.8% 16
Other 26.4% 48

If No, please check all that apply. What are the barriers to having the alley plowed?

Response Percent Response Count
I do not understand the system or how it works 15.9% 11
No one has asked me to contribute 21.7% 15
I am unable to pay for the service 4.3% 3
Other, please note in the comment section. 76.8% 53

Please add your additional comments here:


How important is it for you to have your alley plowed for personal vehicle accessibility, trash removal services, emergency service vehicles, and pedestrian mobility (safety) on a scale from 1 through 5 (with 1 being the least important and 5 being the most important)?

Alley plowing importance
Response Percent Response Count
1 19.0% 37
2 2.6% 5
3 8.7% 17
4 11.8% 23
5 57.9% 113
Peter Majerle inside Ward 1
April 24, 2016, 1:20 PM
  • Please tell us how important each of the following items are related to how you choose a trash hauler on a scale from 1 through 5 (with 1 being least important and 5 being most important)?
    • Opportunities for small, local and minority owned - 4
    • Consistent, quality customer service - 5
    • Stable and uniform rates - 5
    • Wear and tear from truck traffic on street and in alleys - 4
    • Options for convenient and proper disposal of bulky items (appliances, mattresses, etc.) - 2
    • Reduction in illegal dumping - 3
    • Reasonable, low cost for trash service - 5
    • Financial incentives to recycle more - 2
    • Individual choice of hauler - 1
    • Pollution from the trucks servicing my neighborhood - 1
    • Noise from the trucks servicing my neighborhood - 1
    • Safety concerns related to large trucks servicing my neighborhood - 1
    • Easy access for new residents and non-English speakers - 3
  • Which aspects of customer service are most important to you regarding your garbage collection, on a scale from 1 through 5 (with 1 being least important and 5 being most important)?
    No response.
  • Does your alley get plowed?
    • Yes
  • If Yes, who plows the alley?
    • You/Neighbor
  • If No, please check all that apply. What are the barriers to having the alley plowed?
    No response.
  • Please add your additional comments here:

    Having to rely on a neighbor's goodwill to plow the alley sucks. In my case, it works well. But not all blocks have that luxury, and some areas remain packed with snow all winter. I'd like to see a uniform process for all residents.

  • How important is it for you to have your alley plowed for personal vehicle accessibility, trash removal services, emergency service vehicles, and pedestrian mobility (safety) on a scale from 1 through 5 (with 1 being the least important and 5 being the most important)?
    • Alley plowing importance - 4
Open Saint Paul is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Open Saint Paul is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.

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Opportunities for small, local and minority owned
Consistent, quality customer service
Stable and uniform rates
Wear and tear from truck traffic on street and in alleys
Options for convenient and proper disposal of bulky items (appliances, mattresses, etc.)
Reduction in illegal dumping
Reasonable, low cost for trash service
Financial incentives to recycle more
Individual choice of hauler
Pollution from the trucks servicing my neighborhood
Noise from the trucks servicing my neighborhood
Safety concerns related to large trucks servicing my neighborhood
Easy access for new residents and non-English speakers
Ability to talk to a person when I have a question or problem with my trash service
Ability to set out extra bags occasionally for no extra charge
Carts are left in the same location after pick up
Ability to pay extra for large, special clean out service related to moving, clean up or remodeling
Choose at most 4 options
Alley plowing importance
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