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Coordinated Collection Update: July 11, 2017

We have a signed proposal with all 15 of our current haulers.

There will be a public hearing on Coordinated Collection on July 19, 2017 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 15 Kellogg Blvd. At this meeting, the Council may adopt the recommendation to accept the hauler proposal, which will kick off the transition and implementation process.

Our work began with a set of community led Council priorities, and we believe we have achieved most of them.

The proposal retains all the current local and small haulers that do business in Saint Paul.

Key highlights of the deal include:

  • All current, local and small haulers will provide service
  • Consistent, and high quality customer service throughout the city 
  • Large item collection is included for all households
    • This includes: 3 bulky items (appliances, mattresses, electronics, furniture, etc.) per a year and holiday tree collection
    • Should result in a reduction in illegal dumping
  • Less truck traffic – 1 hauler will be providing service to each neighborhood
    • Resulting in less noise and air pollution and safer alleys
  • Stable, uniform, and reasonable rates
  • Easy access for all residents – all households will have service - with negotiated prices
  • Walk up service will be available for the elderly and people with disabilities
  • Wage standards that include a $20 per an hour minimum wage for drivers
  • Easy and consistent billing process

If the recommendation is accepted, we anticipate the following timeline:

  • July 19, 2017 –   Public Hearing and Council Adoption of Recommended Proposal
  • *August 2017 –   Formal contract negotiations begin
  • *August 2017-Summer/Fall 2018 – Implementation planning
  • *Summer/Fall 2018 - Citywide Coordinated Collection Begins

*This event is pending the Council adoption of the recommended proposal

This proposal provides a solid base to transition the city to Coordinated Collection and meets the priorities that the Council laid out for the negotiating team.

To see the Council Agenda page visit:

To provide a comment for the hearing via email, send to: [email protected]

For more information:

Find updates on Coordinated Collection and links to the surveys and reports at