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What feedback do you have on the criteria for choosing the future location of Fire Station No. 8?

96 responses on forum

Criterion 1: Improve the speed of response to more homes, particularly in the northern part of the Arlington (where data show we need to improve),

Response Percent Response Count
Yes - Keep 71.9% 69
No - Don't keep 28.1% 27

Particularly if you answered "No" above, please explain and provide any alternate criterion.


Criterion 2: The future site should improve the Fire Department's ability to serve the entire County with fire/EMS services without adversely affecting service elsewhere (relative to the national standard of 4-6 minutes).

Response Percent Response Count
Yes - Keep 81.3% 78
No - Don't keep 18.8% 18

Particularly if you answered "No" above, please explain and provide any alternate criterion.


Criterion 3: Site size of approx. 1.5 acres, preferably County-owned because of budget constraints. (Note: The minimum site of 1.5 acres includes 0.8 acre for a 4-bay fire station and related hardscape, plus a 0.7-acre buffer, if needed.)

Response Percent Response Count
Yes - Keep 53.1% 51
No - Don't keep 46.9% 45

Particularly if you answered "No" above, please explain and provide any alternate criterion.


Criterion 4: The site must be on/near an arterial street.

Response Percent Response Count
Yes - Keep 81.3% 78
No - Don't keep 18.8% 18

Particularly if you answered "No" above, please explain and provide any alternate criterion.


Share any additional input on the direction you think a community task group should take in helping determine a future location for Fire Station No. 8.

Name not shown ¼ to ½ mile
October 6, 2015, 2:39 PM
  • Criterion 1: Improve the speed of response to more homes, particularly in the northern part of the Arlington (where data show we need to improve),
    • Yes - Keep
  • Particularly if you answered "No" above, please explain and provide any alternate criterion.
    No response.
  • Criterion 2: The future site should improve the Fire Department's ability to serve the entire County with fire/EMS services without adversely affecting service elsewhere (relative to the national standard of 4-6 minutes).
    • Yes - Keep
  • Particularly if you answered "No" above, please explain and provide any alternate criterion.
    No response.
  • Criterion 3: Site size of approx. 1.5 acres, preferably County-owned because of budget constraints. (Note: The minimum site of 1.5 acres includes 0.8 acre for a 4-bay fire station and related hardscape, plus a 0.7-acre buffer, if needed.)
    • Yes - Keep
  • Particularly if you answered "No" above, please explain and provide any alternate criterion.
    No response.
  • Criterion 4: The site must be on/near an arterial street.
    • Yes - Keep
  • Particularly if you answered "No" above, please explain and provide any alternate criterion.
    No response.
  • Share any additional input on the direction you think a community task group should take in helping determine a future location for Fire Station No. 8.

    As an Arlington resident and taxpayer, I want to see appropriate consideration of construction requirements, budget, and timelines, and all of the priorities noted above. It is not practical to keep the station at the existing #8 location. I want to see Arlington preserving history, but the history can be honored without us being bound to old HVAC systems or other physical building characteristics that dont meet current requirements -- these are material things! As a taxpayer I want to see construction at a good value (NOT inflated price for being bound to old #8 building). As to the proponents of the alternative plan (keeping #8), would they want to raise taxes or cut other services to achieve their proposed priority? As we make decisions, please be mindful that there is a tendency to be opposed to change for its own sake, and this can lead to poor decisions.

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