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Preserving and Sharing Arlington's History

55 responses on forum

How do you prefer to learn about and access County history? Select all that apply.

Response Percent Response Count
Center for Local History at Central Library 58.2% 32
My neighborhood library 45.5% 25
My neighborhood civic association 25.5% 14
Local school 14.5% 8
Newspaper or blog 54.5% 30
The County's Historic Marker Program 38.2% 21
Lectures on historical and local informational topics 54.5% 30
Arlington Historical Society 58.2% 32
Arlington County Government website 47.3% 26
Arlington Public Access Television 20.0% 11
Other 25.5% 14

Have you used the Center for Local History at Central Library? If so, what do you like about the collection? If not, why not?


Of the types of historic records listed below, which are of most interest to you? Select your top 5.

Response Percent Response Count
Historic photographs of buildings and locations around the county 89.1% 49
Historic photographs of Arlington people 49.1% 27
Historic documents 80.0% 44
County Board meetings 18.2% 10
Planning and Zoning hearings 12.7% 7
Planning and development around the county 27.3% 15
Planning and development around your neighborhood 29.1% 16
Your property; real estate records 47.3% 26
Tax assessments 10.9% 6
Arlington Public Schools 29.1% 16
Local business records 5.5% 3
Local newspaper archives 58.2% 32
Other 10.9% 6

What types of photographs of historic events and eras in Arlington are of greatest interest to you?

Response Percent Response Count
Civil War 63.6% 35
19th Century 72.7% 40
Early 20th Century 76.4% 42
Depression 52.7% 29
World War II 67.3% 37
The 1950's 60.0% 33
Immigration 32.7% 18
Metro transit development 43.6% 24
Smart Growth 18.2% 10
9/11 16.4% 9
Current events 23.6% 13
Other 10.9% 6

What types of documents from local organizations are of greatest interest to you?

Response Percent Response Count
Civic associations 73.5% 36
Civic groups 61.2% 30
Schools 55.1% 27
PTAs 10.2% 5
School Board 30.6% 15
Fraternal organizations 18.4% 9
Business organizations 38.8% 19
Churches, Synagogues, Mosques 40.8% 20
Youth sports organizations 12.2% 6
Scouting organizations 4.1% 2

To access community and government records, which method do you prefer?

Response Percent Response Count
In print 7.3% 4
Online and Print 92.7% 51

Would you use a facility dedicated to local records access with free-to-use computers dedicated to community and government records access?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 58.2% 32
No 9.1% 5
Maybe 32.7% 18

Should capturing and sharing Arlington’s history be a service provided by Arlington County Government?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 92.7% 51
No 7.3% 4

Additional Comments/Suggestions

Tru Anderson inside Arlington
September 21, 2015, 1:28 PM
  • How do you prefer to learn about and access County history? Select all that apply.
    • Center for Local History at Central Library
    • My neighborhood library
    • The County's Historic Marker Program
    • Arlington Historical Society
  • Have you used the Center for Local History at Central Library? If so, what do you like about the collection? If not, why not?
    No response.
  • Of the types of historic records listed below, which are of most interest to you? Select your top 5.
    • Historic photographs of buildings and locations around the county
    • Historic photographs of Arlington people
    • Planning and Zoning hearings
    • Planning and development around the county
    • Arlington Public Schools
  • What types of photographs of historic events and eras in Arlington are of greatest interest to you?
    • The 1950's
    • Immigration
    • Metro transit development
    • 9/11
    • Current events
  • What types of documents from local organizations are of greatest interest to you?
    • Civic associations
    • Civic groups
    • Fraternal organizations
    • Churches, Synagogues, Mosques
    • Youth sports organizations
  • To access community and government records, which method do you prefer?
    • Online and Print
  • Would you use a facility dedicated to local records access with free-to-use computers dedicated to community and government records access?
    • Maybe
  • Should capturing and sharing Arlington’s history be a service provided by Arlington County Government?
    • Yes
  • Additional Comments/Suggestions
    No response.
Open Arlington is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Open Arlington is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.

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If you would like to know more about opportunities to donate materials, volunteer to scan or digitize materials, or to be notified of events please see the Arlington Public Library Center for Local History:

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