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Nelly Custis Park is Getting a Facelift … Help us Develop a Plan

119 responses on forum

What is your home zip code?


Do you support Arlington County funding a park improvement project in Nelly Custis Park?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 95.8% 114
No 4.2% 5

Should there be a play area for 5-12 year old children?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 40.5% 47
No 52.6% 61
Don't care 6.9% 8

Should there be site furnishings such as benches and trash receptacles?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 88.8% 103
No 6.9% 8
Don't care 4.3% 5

Should there be a tricycle loop?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 32.8% 38
No 55.2% 64
Don't care 12.1% 14

Should there be plantings for shade and beautification?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 93.0% 107
No 3.5% 4
Don't care 3.5% 4

What other elements would you like to see included in the scope of work?



Name not shown ½ to 1 mile
July 24, 2015, 12:43 PM
  • What is your home zip code?
  • Do you support Arlington County funding a park improvement project in Nelly Custis Park?
    • Yes
  • Should there be a play area for 5-12 year old children?
    • No
  • Should there be site furnishings such as benches and trash receptacles?
    • Yes
  • Should there be a tricycle loop?
    • Don't care
  • Should there be plantings for shade and beautification?
    • Yes
  • What other elements would you like to see included in the scope of work?
    No response.
  • Comments

    The problem with this park is that it is underutilized. That has nothing to do with playgrounds - it has adequate use in the current playground and play space. I do not believe adding another playground in a different area will increase utilization and I believe could actually make matters worse by simply spreading out the current use and limiting more general activities.

    I think the focus needs to be revising the design so the park is more inviting to more people. A good park improvement design would encourage more family use where parents are playing with their kids and not just supervising them. It would encourage kids to come with their friends and play games and hang out. It would encourage dog walkers to come and socialize their dogs and with each other. It would invite residents and people working in the area to spend some outside reading a book or having lunch. I am not sure the right way to do that, but I have to believe our Parks and Recs staff have a lot of good experience and ideas that could help guide us.

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