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Share your input and help us build Arlington Today, a new event and meeting publicity tool.

56 responses on forum

I ... (select all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
Live in Arlington 96.4% 54
Work in Arlington 25.0% 14
Own a Business in Arlington 7.1% 4
Visit Arlington (to play, shop, eat or stay) 12.5% 7

When looking for events, what age range are you interested in? (select all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
Infant 9.1% 5
2-4 21.8% 12
5-8 16.4% 9
9-12 10.9% 6
13-15 9.1% 5
15-18 10.9% 6
18-24 23.6% 13
25-34 40.0% 22
35-44 52.7% 29
45-54 49.1% 27
55-64 52.7% 29
65+ 52.7% 29

What type(s) of events would you like to see? (select all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
County Government Events, Activities & Meetings 94.5% 52
Arlington Public Schools Events & Meetings 40.0% 22
Non-County Events (races, cultural events, festivals, etc.) 87.3% 48

For which topic areas would you like to see event/meeting listings?

Response Percent Response Count
Public Meetings 92.9% 52
County Board Meetings 75.0% 42
County Budget Meetings 51.8% 29
Commission Meetings 55.4% 31
Public Schools Meetings 33.9% 19
Elections 80.4% 45
Public Safety Events (open houses, community forums, etc.) 64.3% 36
Tax Due Dates 44.6% 25
Housing Events (affordable housing, home repair, housing fairs, etc.) 50.0% 28
Business Events (small business seminars, etc.) 23.2% 13
Transportation Events (Bike to Work day, etc.) 58.9% 33
Trash & Recycling Events (shredding, electronics recycling, etc.) 80.4% 45
Environmental ("Green") Events 76.8% 43
Public Health Events (Clinics, immunizations, seminars, etc.) 53.6% 30
Classes (fitness, computers, language, career development, etc.) 73.2% 41
Sports & Fitness (drop-in) 66.1% 37
Sports & Fitness (registration required) 51.8% 29
Nature Programs 71.4% 40
History Programs 69.6% 39
Library Events (author talks, book clubs, storytime, etc.) 76.8% 43
Cultural Events (music, art, etc.) 83.9% 47
Community Events (races, festivals, celebrations, etc.) 78.6% 44
Job Fairs 19.6% 11
Volunteer Opportunities 53.6% 30
Street Closures 71.4% 40
Facility Closures 58.9% 33
Events in Spanish 7.1% 4

Drag the items below to rank the following functions from greatest priority to lowest priority.

Average priorities over 56 responses
  1. Allows you to filter your event results by interest.
    Filter by Topic
  2. Sign up to receive notices about upcoming events that may be of interest to you based on your topical preferences.
    Receive Notifications about Upcoming Events & Meetings That You Might Like
  3. Allows you to sign-up to receive updates regarding specific events.
    Receive Notifications about Changes to an Event (time change, cancellation, etc.)
  4. Allows you to filter the events by age group.
    Filter by Age Group
  5. Filter events, meetings and activities by the location at which they are being held (neighborhood, civic association, Metro station, street address, etc.)
    Filter by Location
  6. Includes multiple ways to get to the location (walk, bike, bus, metro, parking, etc.)
    Transportation Options

How would you like to be notified about events?

Response Percent Response Count
Email 94.4% 51
SMS (Text message) 14.8% 8
RSS 7.4% 4
Push Notifications on Mobile Devices 3.7% 2

Other feedback:

Karen Rumpler inside Arlington
July 12, 2015, 9:06 PM
  • I ... (select all that apply)
    • Live in Arlington
  • When looking for events, what age range are you interested in? (select all that apply)
    • 35-44
  • What type(s) of events would you like to see? (select all that apply)
    • County Government Events, Activities & Meetings
    • Non-County Events (races, cultural events, festivals, etc.)
  • For which topic areas would you like to see event/meeting listings?
    • Elections
    • Nature Programs
    • History Programs
    • Library Events (author talks, book clubs, storytime, etc.)
    • Cultural Events (music, art, etc.)
    • Community Events (races, festivals, celebrations, etc.)
    • Job Fairs
    • Volunteer Opportunities
  • Drag the items below to rank the following functions from greatest priority to lowest priority.
    1. Filter events, meetings and activities by the location at which they are being held (neighborhood, civic association, Metro station, street address, etc.)
      Filter by Location
    2. Allows you to filter your event results by interest.
      Filter by Topic
    3. Allows you to filter the events by age group.
      Filter by Age Group
    4. Allows you to sign-up to receive updates regarding specific events.
      Receive Notifications about Changes to an Event (time change, cancellation, etc.)
    5. Sign up to receive notices about upcoming events that may be of interest to you based on your topical preferences.
      Receive Notifications about Upcoming Events & Meetings That You Might Like
    6. Includes multiple ways to get to the location (walk, bike, bus, metro, parking, etc.)
      Transportation Options
  • How would you like to be notified about events?
    • Email
  • Other feedback:
    No response.
Open Arlington is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Open Arlington is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.

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Drag up or down to reflect how you would prioritize the items. The top priority should be at the top of your list with your lowest priority at the bottom of the list.

If you prefer, instead of dragging items you can enter the List Order numbers manually, then click Update List at the bottom of the list. You can also restore the items to their initial default order by clicking Restore Defaults.

List Order Item
Transportation Options Includes multiple ways to get to the location (walk, bike, bus, metro, parking, etc.) Details
Filter by Topic Allows you to filter your event results by interest. Details
Filter by Age Group Allows you to filter the events by age group. Details
Receive Notifications about Changes to an Event (time change, cancellation, etc.) Allows you to sign-up to receive updates regarding specific events. Details
Receive Notifications about Upcoming Events & Meetings That You Might Like Sign up to receive notices about upcoming events that may be of interest to you based on your topical preferences. Details
Filter by Location Filter events, meetings and activities by the location at which they are being held (neighborhood, civic association, Metro station, street address, etc.) Details

Update List Restore Defaults

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