How should we plan for the future?
18 responses on forum
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No response.The Community Facilities Study Committee is developing a list of challenges facing Arlington and alternative strategies to address them. What considerations or challenges are important to you?
Public transportation network. This needs to be addressed. My sense is that cancellation of the planned streetcar on Columbia Pike was a huge mistake. We for sure don't need more buses. A streetcar line on Columbia Pike ...and running the length of Jeff Davis Highway down past Potomac Yard should have been constructed rather than the dedicated bus lanes we now have. Regarding the subject of parks -- the County already has large tracts of park space -- a good thing -- and probably does not need to acquire any more land. What is required is proper maintenance at the sites we already have. Locally, I'm concerned about keeping the Four Mile Run trail (area along S. Glebe from 395 to Jeff Davis Highway) clean, properly manicured (trees/underbrush), well paved -- bike path and waterway. The waterway behind the treatment plant (in both directions north + south) is filthy -- with the various storm runoff drains carrying cans, bottles, etc right into it -- and requires constant attention. I am aware of the County's planned beautification project for a stretch of Four Mile Run later this year and support it. There is a diverse collection fish, animals (beaver and foxes), birds (hawks, heron) in the area -- which is a big plus -- so that narrow stretch of park should be kept attractive/well maintained. I suggest that the County work with local schools (high schools) and organize trash cleaning days -- basically an 'adopt-a-half-mile' of the waterway program. This should not be difficult to set in motion. There's no shortage of able body high school aged students who could be contributing a small bit of their time 3 or 4 times a year. Finally, I am concerned about the increasing number of large 18-wheel trucks on S. Glebe (and other narrow avenues). Moving freight is obviously important.......but the sheer size of some of these vehicles is not appropriate for winding stretches of roadway such as the stretch of S. Glebe between Jeff Davis Highway and Ridge Road.
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