How should we plan for the future?
18 responses on forum
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Your neighborhood or civic association:
Lyon Park Citizens AssociationWhich Arlington community facilities or services did you or a member of your household use in the last week? (choose all that apply)
No response.How would you prefer to participate or engage in decision-making?
Attending an informative meeting that permits discussion and feedback.
How do you prefer to receive information from the County and APS about new community facilities? (choose all that apply)
Specify which lists, newsletters, newspapers, stations, social media channels or other outlets you prefer:
The [Arlington County] Citizen,, The Washington Post, The Sun Gazette, The Connection, The Lyon Park Citizens Association newsletter, Network news programs
No response.The Community Facilities Study Committee is developing a list of challenges facing Arlington and alternative strategies to address them. What considerations or challenges are important to you?
I want my 10-year old grandson who lives in Arlington to attend permanent classrooms in the public schools without raising class sizes. Land must be identified to build schools to increase capacity to meet expected enrollments, and capital funding must be available for the construction and furnishing of these schools.
The Affordable Housing Master Plan, now under development, must be implemented to preserve and construct affordable housing across the county, to meet community needs. The Lee Highway Redevelopment Plan must include opportunities to build affordable housing along that North Arlington transportation corridor. We need to co-locate some of this housing with other county facilities, like fire houses, community centers, etc. to make the best use of expensive land. [I saw a beautiful co-op apartment community in a high rise building above a fire house in Cambridge, England. The units were sold out before the building was finished. We could do the same over the fire house in Rosslyn, by building up to the heights of neighboring buildings.]
The Accessory Dwelling ordinance needs to be amended to make this type of affordable housing easier for home owners to create. Too few homes have resulted from the current limitations.
The county needs another public swimming pool. There is usually a wait list for Office of Senior Adult Programs' water aerobics classes and the availability of the high school pools is a challenge.
The promised improvements to mass transportation along Columbia Pike must be implemented in the wake of the street car's cancellation.
The capacity of the bottle-neck tunnel under the Potomac used by the Orange,Blue and Silver lines of Metro must be expanded to address the "Orange Crush."
We need to continue to add supportive efficiency units to bring the street homeless into homes, so they can address their health, mental health, and employment challenges.
We need to rehabilitate and expand our utility systems to meet our growing build-out of the county: water, sewer, refuse disposal and recycling, internet accessibility, etc.
How did you hear about our virtual forum?
Presentation by Chair John Milliken to the Committee of 100, and an email from Alliance for Housing Solutions.