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How should we plan for the future?

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18 responses on forum

Your neighborhood or civic association:


Which Arlington community facilities or services did you or a member of your household use in the last week? (choose all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
Public school 66.7% 12
School bus 22.2% 4
Library 55.6% 10
County park 72.2% 13
Community center 27.8% 5
County swimming pool 27.8% 5
Arts/cultural program 11.1% 2
ART Bus 16.7% 3
Bike facility or Capital Bikeshare 22.2% 4
Public parking garage or meter 77.8% 14
Public safety (police, fire, etc.) 16.7% 3
County trash and recycling 83.3% 15



How would you prefer to participate or engage in decision-making?


How do you prefer to receive information from the County and APS about new community facilities? (choose all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
County/APS website 72.2% 13
Email 83.3% 15
Newsletter 38.9% 7
Television/Radio 16.7% 3
Social media 27.8% 5

Specify which lists, newsletters, newspapers, stations, social media channels or other outlets you prefer:




The Community Facilities Study Committee is developing a list of challenges facing Arlington and alternative strategies to address them. What considerations or challenges are important to you?


How did you hear about our virtual forum?

Name not shown inside Arlington
June 2, 2015, 8:55 PM
  • Your neighborhood or civic association:
  • Which Arlington community facilities or services did you or a member of your household use in the last week? (choose all that apply)
    • Public school
    • Library
    • County park
    • Community center
    • Public parking garage or meter
    • County trash and recycling
  • Other:
    No response.
  • How would you prefer to participate or engage in decision-making?

    Currently, I don't believe that residents voices are being considered. I see that there are opportunities like this to post feedback, but it seems like they are used more to say that residents feedback was sought vs. impacting decision making.

  • How do you prefer to receive information from the County and APS about new community facilities? (choose all that apply)
    • Email
  • Specify which lists, newsletters, newspapers, stations, social media channels or other outlets you prefer:
    No response.
  • Other:
    No response.
  • The Community Facilities Study Committee is developing a list of challenges facing Arlington and alternative strategies to address them. What considerations or challenges are important to you?

    I think it is critical that a broader, more strategic view is taken and that no low income or other broad housing initiatives occur without corresponding accounting for schools, parking, roads, etc. The additional large housing complexes on George Mason, Wilson and in Ballston are having a dramatic and negative effect on school overcrowding and displacing some neighborhood kids (including those in the new housing developments). Also, the new road pattern on Wilson is causing excessive traffic and close car encounters.

  • How did you hear about our virtual forum?
    No response.
Open Arlington is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Open Arlington is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.

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