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Share your thoughts on a New Lubber Run Community Center.

66 responses on forum

When you think about a new Lubber Run Community Center, what do you envision yourself doing there?


Do you or members of your household currently participate in activities at the Lubber Run Community Center?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 54.5% 36
No 45.5% 30

If yes, approximately how often do you or members of your household visit the Lubber Run Community Center?

Response Percent Response Count
Daily 9.1% 4
More than once week 6.8% 3
Few times per month 11.4% 5
One time per month 13.6% 6
Few times per year 59.1% 26

What types of spaces and uses should the new Lubber Run Community Center have?


When you think about the immediate area surrounding a new Lubber Run Community Center, what type of spaces and uses should be accommodated on the site?


In what ways can a new Lubber Run Community Center have an impact on the community?


Do you have a favorite community center in Arlington? If so, which center and why is it your favorite?


What is your home zip code?

Response Percent Response Count
22201 1.5% 1
22203 62.1% 41
22204 15.2% 10
22205 10.6% 7
22206 3.0% 2
22207 7.6% 5
Name not shown ¼ to ½ mile
May 5, 2015, 9:47 AM
  • When you think about a new Lubber Run Community Center, what do you envision yourself doing there?

    My family used Lubber Run extensively when my children were younger and my son went to the preschool program there. We also attended numerous rec programs there in the '90s (dance, etc.)
    I can see myself attending programs at Lubber Run that would include rec offerings, community meetings, or classes. The space planned should provide flexibility for all those needs.

  • Do you or members of your household currently participate in activities at the Lubber Run Community Center?
    • No
  • If yes, approximately how often do you or members of your household visit the Lubber Run Community Center?
    No response.
  • What types of spaces and uses should the new Lubber Run Community Center have?

    Classroom spaces that would hold 30 to 40 people; multipurpose rooms that could accommodate preschool, or some sports (fencing) or community meetings with up to 125 people; areas for programming for youth aged 12-16.

  • When you think about the immediate area surrounding a new Lubber Run Community Center, what type of spaces and uses should be accommodated on the site?

    The parkland surrounding the center is a major asset and one of the things that makes Lubber Run a very attractive place. Tying in the existing park/tot lot/swings with the adjacent wooded area next to the bike path would be very important. If it doesn't drive cost up too much, underground the parking and either put the new center on top of it; or put play space on top of it. I *don't* think this is a good location for playing fields similar to those at Barcroft or Gunston. Better to have it for family-oriented uses that will draw people from the neighborhoods on both sides of George Mason Dr.

  • In what ways can a new Lubber Run Community Center have an impact on the community?

    Two ways -- work with APS to coordinate new design of Lubber Run with programs at Barrett. It's important not to forget that neighbor. Also, VOICE has been pushing hard for affordable housing, seemingly wherever there's an open patch of land in the county. If that were to be considered for Lubber Run, keep it as a *small* part of the parcel, perhaps a 50-60 unit building separate from the community center but able to access the parking structure. Smaller means less of an impact on Barrett and the surrounding neighborhood; but it's a good location for transit/access to job opportunities, so it's perhaps an opportunity that shouldn't be passed up.

  • Do you have a favorite community center in Arlington? If so, which center and why is it your favorite?

    Arlington Mill because I'm in there just about every day of the week. Its small fitness center is great (the views are special), the flexibility of the rooms/facility is good (the place has a lot of activity, esp. on weekdays), and the staff is helpful. It would be good to see the 3rd and 4th floors finished soon!

  • What is your home zip code?
    • 22204
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