When you think about a new Lubber Run Community Center, what do you envision yourself doing there?
Community events, including events of Barrett Elementary, physical fitness classes, working out at a gym, enjoying outdoor area
Do you or members of your household currently participate in activities at the Lubber Run Community Center?
If yes, approximately how often do you or members of your household visit the Lubber Run Community Center?
Few times per year
What types of spaces and uses should the new Lubber Run Community Center have?
It should be retained strictly 100% as a community center. It should include classroom/meeting space, larger meeting space; kitchen; gym; after school care for the county and overflow space for Barrett Elementary
When you think about the immediate area surrounding a new Lubber Run Community Center, what type of spaces and uses should be accommodated on the site?
There should be nothing but green space/play parks/parkland around the community center. There should be no affordable housing and no ground-floor retail unless adequate retail parking is provided. But I would not consider trading green space for parking.
In what ways can a new Lubber Run Community Center have an impact on the community?
It will negatively impact the community if the county insists on doing here what it has done elsewhere in the middle of the county--densely pack too many uses into a small site that leaves the larger community frustrated and over-run with cars. Too large a footprint will also be ruinous to the 4-Mile Run watershed, something the county has so far only paid lip service to (evidence the Arlington Mill CC built literally on top of 4-Mile Run.) It can have a tremendous positive impact on the surrounding neighborhoods if it retains it's small footprint and is recreated as a functioning community CENTER, meaning no housing affordable or otherwise.
Do you have a favorite community center in Arlington? If so, which center and why is it your favorite?
TJ--because it combines many artistic and physical fitness uses with a beautiful outdoor space.
What is your home zip code?
Open Arlington is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Open Arlington is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
When you think about a new Lubber Run Community Center, what do you envision yourself doing there?
Community events, including events of Barrett Elementary, physical fitness classes, working out at a gym, enjoying outdoor area
Do you or members of your household currently participate in activities at the Lubber Run Community Center?
If yes, approximately how often do you or members of your household visit the Lubber Run Community Center?
What types of spaces and uses should the new Lubber Run Community Center have?
It should be retained strictly 100% as a community center. It should include classroom/meeting space, larger meeting space; kitchen; gym; after school care for the county and overflow space for Barrett Elementary
When you think about the immediate area surrounding a new Lubber Run Community Center, what type of spaces and uses should be accommodated on the site?
There should be nothing but green space/play parks/parkland around the community center. There should be no affordable housing and no ground-floor retail unless adequate retail parking is provided. But I would not consider trading green space for parking.
In what ways can a new Lubber Run Community Center have an impact on the community?
It will negatively impact the community if the county insists on doing here what it has done elsewhere in the middle of the county--densely pack too many uses into a small site that leaves the larger community frustrated and over-run with cars. Too large a footprint will also be ruinous to the 4-Mile Run watershed, something the county has so far only paid lip service to (evidence the Arlington Mill CC built literally on top of 4-Mile Run.) It can have a tremendous positive impact on the surrounding neighborhoods if it retains it's small footprint and is recreated as a functioning community CENTER, meaning no housing affordable or otherwise.
Do you have a favorite community center in Arlington? If so, which center and why is it your favorite?
TJ--because it combines many artistic and physical fitness uses with a beautiful outdoor space.
What is your home zip code?