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Share your thoughts on a New Lubber Run Community Center.

66 responses on forum

When you think about a new Lubber Run Community Center, what do you envision yourself doing there?


Do you or members of your household currently participate in activities at the Lubber Run Community Center?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 54.5% 36
No 45.5% 30

If yes, approximately how often do you or members of your household visit the Lubber Run Community Center?

Response Percent Response Count
Daily 9.1% 4
More than once week 6.8% 3
Few times per month 11.4% 5
One time per month 13.6% 6
Few times per year 59.1% 26

What types of spaces and uses should the new Lubber Run Community Center have?


When you think about the immediate area surrounding a new Lubber Run Community Center, what type of spaces and uses should be accommodated on the site?


In what ways can a new Lubber Run Community Center have an impact on the community?


Do you have a favorite community center in Arlington? If so, which center and why is it your favorite?


What is your home zip code?

Response Percent Response Count
22201 1.5% 1
22203 62.1% 41
22204 15.2% 10
22205 10.6% 7
22206 3.0% 2
22207 7.6% 5
Name not shown ¼ to ½ mile
May 31, 2015, 2:27 PM
  • When you think about a new Lubber Run Community Center, what do you envision yourself doing there?

    I see green space, devoid of housing; and a recreation/community center with programs for pre-school through high-school and beyond. I would be using the physical fitness center, the outdoor/indoor hoops and walking/running tracks and attending aerobics classes.

  • Do you or members of your household currently participate in activities at the Lubber Run Community Center?
    • No
  • If yes, approximately how often do you or members of your household visit the Lubber Run Community Center?
    • Few times per year
  • What types of spaces and uses should the new Lubber Run Community Center have?

    Types of uses for the thousands who have recently moved into the neighborhood: would include physical fitness spaces, weights, gymnastics, ball courts, wifi, coffee/juice bars, arts/crafts classes, space and activities serving Barrett and Culpepper, parenting classes. A water spray mini-park, swing sets, slides, and lots of safe kiddie-activities. A soft play room for those kids with disabilities.

  • When you think about the immediate area surrounding a new Lubber Run Community Center, what type of spaces and uses should be accommodated on the site?

    The immediate area around Lubber Run CC is drowning in housing. Jammed!
    There are many high end town homes, an increasing, dense array of affordable housing, and ordinary housing. This neighbor is over-built with housing, to the point of being "crushed" with housing. Keep with green space at LRCC. People need it for mental well being. Too much housing has a very negative psychological effect. Stay green and stay recreational at LRCC.

  • In what ways can a new Lubber Run Community Center have an impact on the community?

    Because of recent overbuilding of housing, and on-going building, (and building, and building), the LRCC community needs a break from housing. Please focus on serving the recreational and green space needs for this over-built community.

    And, fix George Mason Drive and N. Park Drive. Both streets (and a lack of a traffic light) contribute to many accidents yearly, plus destruction of public property when the vehicles jump the curb on George Mason Drive. Five tall traffic lights knocked over, two or more trees knocked over by VEHICLES JUMPING THE CURBS AND SIDEWALKS on either side of the street, and nearly everyone ignoring the multi-signed crosswalk at Park and GM Dr. It is exceptionally dangerous to cross at the cross-walk. Accidents have resulted due to drivers not stopping at the cross-walk. and rear-ending a rare driver who has stopped. Plus many accidents happen yearly at the corner of N. Park Drive and George Mason Drive. Speed and the curved, hilly roads are accident factors. Please plan your entrance/exits to the new LRCC carefully. Lower the speed limit and put in a traffic light. Not just flashers. They will be ignored! Also, check your traffic records. As one neighbor reports,
    "I have lived here for 10 years and have witnessed between 7 and 10 accidents on GMDrive. Most in clear weather. Also, I have heard the crashes of another 10 or so. The sidewalks are dangerous, because the cars veer off the road and travel over the sidewalks, especially near the Park entrance. The GM Dr. accident-prone area is between Park Dr. and Carlin Springs.GM Drive is curvy, hilly and drivers lose control of their vehicles. This situation is a considerable liability for the County
    This is serious. Especially for those walking on the sidewalks; and mothers pushing baby strollers on either side of GM Drive.

  • Do you have a favorite community center in Arlington? If so, which center and why is it your favorite?

    Lubber Run Community Center. The setting is not over-built with housing, and it is green. treed, and beautiful. A welcome oasis. The LRCC staff is most excellent and very accommodating to community needs. Thank you.

  • What is your home zip code?
    • 22203
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