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Share your thoughts on a New Lubber Run Community Center.

66 responses on forum

When you think about a new Lubber Run Community Center, what do you envision yourself doing there?


Do you or members of your household currently participate in activities at the Lubber Run Community Center?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 54.5% 36
No 45.5% 30

If yes, approximately how often do you or members of your household visit the Lubber Run Community Center?

Response Percent Response Count
Daily 9.1% 4
More than once week 6.8% 3
Few times per month 11.4% 5
One time per month 13.6% 6
Few times per year 59.1% 26

What types of spaces and uses should the new Lubber Run Community Center have?


When you think about the immediate area surrounding a new Lubber Run Community Center, what type of spaces and uses should be accommodated on the site?


In what ways can a new Lubber Run Community Center have an impact on the community?


Do you have a favorite community center in Arlington? If so, which center and why is it your favorite?


What is your home zip code?

Response Percent Response Count
22201 1.5% 1
22203 62.1% 41
22204 15.2% 10
22205 10.6% 7
22206 3.0% 2
22207 7.6% 5
Carey Johnston within ¼ mile
May 31, 2015, 3:36 PM
  • When you think about a new Lubber Run Community Center, what do you envision yourself doing there?

    I think that the new Lubber Run Community Center (LRCC) should have a multi-purpose space that is big enough for fencing. There is growing community of fencers in Arlington and their needs are not being met. For example, the Arlington Fencers Club ( is often given space at dance studios and theater space instead of the school's gymnasium. At the start of basketball season fencers are often displaced out of appropriately floored gymnasiums into less than adequate spaces with tile flooring. There is a shortage of appropriate gym space in Arlington and the new LRCC should have space to accommodate fencing strips and their storage.

    In modern fencing, the strip is 14 meters long and between 2 meters wide. The new LRCC multipurpose room should accommodate space for ten strips. Next to this multipurpose room there should be a room 8' by 10' that can accommodate storage of equipment.

    In addition - Arlington should have a room that can be used for performances. This new performance space could be used as a rainy day venue when performances are cancelled at the nearby Lubber Run Amphitheater. There is a growing community of musicians in Arlington that could use this space for practice and performances. One such group is the Arlington Concert Band ( They currently practice at HB Woodlawn, which is soon to be torn down and rebuilt. The new LRCC should accommodate a performance space that approximately equals the seating at the Lubber Run Amphitheater.

  • Do you or members of your household currently participate in activities at the Lubber Run Community Center?
    • No
  • If yes, approximately how often do you or members of your household visit the Lubber Run Community Center?
    • Few times per year
  • What types of spaces and uses should the new Lubber Run Community Center have?

    - Multipurpose space that can accommodate fencing.
    - Performance space for large groups like a community band (about 45 musicians).
    - Rooftop terrace that can provide views of the park.

  • When you think about the immediate area surrounding a new Lubber Run Community Center, what type of spaces and uses should be accommodated on the site?

    There should be trails that link to the Lubber Run Park. The space around the new LRCC can provide areas for nature lessons and engagement.

    Additionally, trees on site should be preserved as much as possible. In particular, the cherries (along George Mason and N. Park) and the 'horizontal tree' (near the corner of N. 3rd and N. Columbus) should definitely be preserved.

  • In what ways can a new Lubber Run Community Center have an impact on the community?

    The new LRCC can provide recreate and arts performance space within walking distance of the metro and nearby town homes.

  • Do you have a favorite community center in Arlington? If so, which center and why is it your favorite?

    TJ Community Center has good recreation facilities.

  • What is your home zip code?
    • 22203
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