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Share your thoughts on a New Lubber Run Community Center.

66 responses on forum

When you think about a new Lubber Run Community Center, what do you envision yourself doing there?


Do you or members of your household currently participate in activities at the Lubber Run Community Center?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 54.5% 36
No 45.5% 30

If yes, approximately how often do you or members of your household visit the Lubber Run Community Center?

Response Percent Response Count
Daily 9.1% 4
More than once week 6.8% 3
Few times per month 11.4% 5
One time per month 13.6% 6
Few times per year 59.1% 26

What types of spaces and uses should the new Lubber Run Community Center have?


When you think about the immediate area surrounding a new Lubber Run Community Center, what type of spaces and uses should be accommodated on the site?


In what ways can a new Lubber Run Community Center have an impact on the community?


Do you have a favorite community center in Arlington? If so, which center and why is it your favorite?


What is your home zip code?

Response Percent Response Count
22201 1.5% 1
22203 62.1% 41
22204 15.2% 10
22205 10.6% 7
22206 3.0% 2
22207 7.6% 5
Paul Wilson within ¼ mile
May 5, 2015, 1:38 PM
  • When you think about a new Lubber Run Community Center, what do you envision yourself doing there?

    Attending community events and perhaps using the gym (machines, free weights) if such a facility is provided in the new center. It's worth noting I have lived in Arlington Forest for nearly four years and have yet to visit the existing LRCC. It's never open when I'm at home. It looks like an abandoned elementary school.

  • Do you or members of your household currently participate in activities at the Lubber Run Community Center?
    • No
  • If yes, approximately how often do you or members of your household visit the Lubber Run Community Center?
    No response.
  • What types of spaces and uses should the new Lubber Run Community Center have?

    Gym with cardio machines, free weights, weight machines and a stretching area. A demo kitchen with cooking classes would be a nice addition. I am somewhat alarmed that Parks and Rec apparently wants the center to house a slew of offices. Presumably, these could be located anywhere in the county. I'm not sure why those must be at LRCC.

  • When you think about the immediate area surrounding a new Lubber Run Community Center, what type of spaces and uses should be accommodated on the site?

    My ideal vision is a "jewel in the park." In my view Lubber Run Park extends to Park Dr., and the new center should be designed accordingly. The suggestion that there's the "park" and "community center site" and that these are discrete things is, I believe, agenda-driven in order to justify cramming over-development onto the site. Under no circumstances should a residential development be considered. I would be adamantly opposed to that. Surface parking should be limited. Walking and biking to the center should be encouraged. Impervious surfaces should be held to an absolute minimum. Lubber Run is already a disgusting storm sewer every time it rains hard.

  • In what ways can a new Lubber Run Community Center have an impact on the community?

    It should respect the site and the single-family neighborhood beyond. Arlington Forest is also a designated historic district. The scale of the LRCC should be appropriate. The topography should mask the bulk and height of the building.

  • Do you have a favorite community center in Arlington? If so, which center and why is it your favorite?

    Never been to any community center in Arlington.

  • What is your home zip code?
    • 22203
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