Question: Is the 17.7% target for a sufficient supply of affordable rental housing appropriate?
Yes, this target is appropriate.
Comments (optional):
This is a relative number that reflects a segment of the population growth over the next 15 years. That segment is households earning less than 60% ami. An important point the housing study shows is the very diverse face of who makes 60% ami. While many choose to spend more than the 30% of income on housing for some because of very low incomes have no choice. My father who lives on a fixed income at the 40% level just moved into a CAF. I thinks it's right the county invests to build a stock of affordable housing at the lower ami income levels
Question: What are your thoughts regarding the approach to the geographic distribution of committed affordable housing?
I agree with the proposed policies.
Comments (optional):
Preservation of existing housing stock that is or use to be affordable is an easier and less costly approach. Many of these supplies already exist along the transportation corridors. The future flexibility to build affordable housing in other residential zones must also be an option. It has to be shared in meaningful and appropriate ways in all areas of the county.
Question: Should Arlington County residents and workers receive a preference for committed affordable housing?
Yes, I agree that Arlington residents and workers should receive preference.
Comments (optional):
No response.
Question: Is it appropriate for this plan to address middle income ownership housing demands?
Yes, it is appropriate.
Question: Should we be using public funds for higher-income households?
I am not sure.
Question: Would it be more appropriate to address this demand through land use provisions rather than financing?
Yes, that is more appropriate.
Comments (optional)
It seems this question and the geographic distribution question are related. Address the need through an updated review of the accessory dwelling ordinance and area plans. The later to allow multi-family dwellings in meaningful and appropriate places. I lived in Brookline, MA outside of Boston, a town with a similar feel to Arlington with commercial districts, many different housing types, It had neighborhoods that were two and three family homes. The zoning allows conversions of single family homes to multi-family dwellings. We see the proliferation of 4K-5K sft homes along John Marshall, Williamsburg Blvd, Sycamore, Washington Blvd, George Mason, and other major thoroughfares. The current zoning allows a single-family the size of a 2-3 more modest sized homes it replaced. Why not allow building that same sized mansion to accommodate housing that could be sold proportionately less than the whole and increase that supply of homes in the middle-come range.
Question: Should opportunities for creating greater flexibility of housing types beyond the urban corridors that support both rental and ownership options be further studied?
Yes, I agree they should be further studied.
Comments (optional):
No response.
Additional comments on the Draft Affordable Housing Master Plan & Implementation Framework (optional):
No response.
Open Arlington is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Open Arlington is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
Question: Is the 17.7% target for a sufficient supply of affordable rental housing appropriate?
Comments (optional):
This is a relative number that reflects a segment of the population growth over the next 15 years. That segment is households earning less than 60% ami. An important point the housing study shows is the very diverse face of who makes 60% ami. While many choose to spend more than the 30% of income on housing for some because of very low incomes have no choice. My father who lives on a fixed income at the 40% level just moved into a CAF. I thinks it's right the county invests to build a stock of affordable housing at the lower ami income levels
Question: What are your thoughts regarding the approach to the geographic distribution of committed affordable housing?
Comments (optional):
Preservation of existing housing stock that is or use to be affordable is an easier and less costly approach. Many of these supplies already exist along the transportation corridors. The future flexibility to build affordable housing in other residential zones must also be an option. It has to be shared in meaningful and appropriate ways in all areas of the county.
Question: Should Arlington County residents and workers receive a preference for committed affordable housing?
Comments (optional):
No response.Question: Is it appropriate for this plan to address middle income ownership housing demands?
Question: Should we be using public funds for higher-income households?
Question: Would it be more appropriate to address this demand through land use provisions rather than financing?
Comments (optional)
It seems this question and the geographic distribution question are related. Address the need through an updated review of the accessory dwelling ordinance and area plans. The later to allow multi-family dwellings in meaningful and appropriate places. I lived in Brookline, MA outside of Boston, a town with a similar feel to Arlington with commercial districts, many different housing types, It had neighborhoods that were two and three family homes. The zoning allows conversions of single family homes to multi-family dwellings. We see the proliferation of 4K-5K sft homes along John Marshall, Williamsburg Blvd, Sycamore, Washington Blvd, George Mason, and other major thoroughfares. The current zoning allows a single-family the size of a 2-3 more modest sized homes it replaced. Why not allow building that same sized mansion to accommodate housing that could be sold proportionately less than the whole and increase that supply of homes in the middle-come range.
Question: Should opportunities for creating greater flexibility of housing types beyond the urban corridors that support both rental and ownership options be further studied?
Comments (optional):
No response.Additional comments on the Draft Affordable Housing Master Plan & Implementation Framework (optional):
No response.