Do you have feedback on proposed affordable housing policies and tools?
Affordable housing is essential to achieve Arlington’s vision.
Housing affordability is vital to the social and economic sustainability of our community. Providing affordability benefits our community as a whole, and:
Supports our people at all ages and stages of life, including young families who are just starting out; seniors who wish to securely age in place; families with children who value stability and neighborhood quality; and hardworking employees who deserve opportunity and choices.
Improves our neighborhoods by providing stability; maintaining diversity; assuring the quality of the built environment and neighborhood character; and reinforcing efficient transportation networks and land use policies.
Strengthens our economy by enhancing our market competitiveness; boosting economic development and revenues that pay for needs like schools and parks; attracting the best employees; connecting business owners with a stable customer base; and allowing consumers the flexibility to spend less of their income on housing.
About the Study
The County Board initiated the Affordable Housing Study in 2012 to evaluate existing policies; assess current programs and resources; and identify needs and gaps in provisions for affordable housing. The result will be a set of goals and policies that further the community’s values of diversity, inclusivity, choice and sustainability. These values are central to the County’s vision and help make Arlington a desirable place to live, work, learn and play.
The County Manager appointed an 18-member Affordable Housing Study Working Group to shape the community’s affordable housing vision. Together with County staff, the group has drafted an Affordable Housing Master Plan and will seek Board approval in July 2015 to include it as an element of the County’s Comprehensive Plan. The proposed plan identifies three goals related to housing supply, access to housing, and sustainability. An accompanying Affordable Housing Implementation Framework details the tools that the County will employ to achieve the goals outlined in the Plan.
Your Feedback is Important
At a recent work session, the County Board supported the kick-off of a broad community discussion around the proposed policies and tools. Through this online forum and a series of public meetings and events, feedback will be collected to guide revisions to the policy documents.
The survey questions that follow reference five key issues where community input and discussion is needed: rental housing supply, geographic distribution, preference for County residents/workers, middle-income households and flexibility in housing types beyond urban corridors. Click on the "Your Response" tab to submit your feedback now.
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