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Please help us choose play equipment for the new playground at Woodlawn Park!

36 responses on forum

The 2-5 age play area will be located in the existing play area (just creating a wider separation between the tot and youth play areas) around existing trees. Please choose concept plan A or B.

Response Percent Response Count
Concept Plan A 86.1% 31
Concept Plan B 13.9% 5

The 5-12 age play area will be moved further away from the creek in order to preserve existing trees and provide planting areas to help with erosion. There are two climber/net structures shown on the concept plan, choose A or B.

Response Percent Response Count
Concept Plan A 100.0% 36
Name not shown more than 2 miles
March 1, 2015, 9:21 PM
  • The 2-5 age play area will be located in the existing play area (just creating a wider separation between the tot and youth play areas) around existing trees. Please choose concept plan A or B.
    • Concept Plan A
  • The 5-12 age play area will be moved further away from the creek in order to preserve existing trees and provide planting areas to help with erosion. There are two climber/net structures shown on the concept plan, choose A or B.
    • Concept Plan A
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