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We have more options for Butler Holmes Park renovations! Help us develop something that meets community needs.

6 responses on forum

Do you want the Tot Lot Location A in sunken area?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 100.0% 6

Do you want the Tot Lot Location B near 1st Road South on the recently acquired lot?

Response Percent Response Count
No 83.3% 5
Don't Care 16.7% 1

Do you want the Picnic Area Location A by the existing basketball courts?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 66.7% 4
No 33.3% 2

Do you want the Picnic Area Location B by the main entrance on 1st Road South?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 33.3% 2
No 50.0% 3
Don't Care 16.7% 1
Name not shown more than 2 miles
October 31, 2014, 10:14 AM
  • Do you want the Tot Lot Location A in sunken area?
    • Yes
  • Do you want the Tot Lot Location B near 1st Road South on the recently acquired lot?
    • No
  • Do you want the Picnic Area Location A by the existing basketball courts?
    • Yes
  • Do you want the Picnic Area Location B by the main entrance on 1st Road South?
    • No
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