We have more options for Butler Holmes Park renovations! Help us develop something that meets community needs.
Butler Holmes Park features grassy open areas, an accessible school-age playground, picnic shelter and a basketball court. The park was expanded recently when the County acquired an adjacent parcel. Now we can add a new tot playground, re-grade the field to increase usability, add new site furnishings and landscaping, and best of all add about 27 new trees (from funding by a grant from Casey Trees’ Community Tree Planting Program).
Staff has developed a couple options and we’d like your input on them. Please refer to the concept drawings. We have two options to place the tot playground and two possible sites for the picnic area. Which works better for you?
Tot Lot Location A in sunken area: Pros – This large, flat location requires fewer site modifications. The significant cost savings could be used to fund additional play elements and site furnishings for the tot lot. The location is also further from the street, and as the previous community consensus was to not fence in the tot playground, the extra distance from the street provides a safer space for children to play. Cons – The Neighborhood Conservation Plan suggested locating the tot lot by the road for maximum visibility and to discourage teens from congregating in this space after dark. | ![]() |
Tot Lot Location B near 1st Road South on the recently acquired lot. Pros – This location is closer to the street and would provide good visibility into the site and is closer to the existing school-age playground. Cons – This location requires significant modifications due to its current sloped geography (such as a retaining wall, vegetated berm and extensive drainage). The money spent on the site modifications could not be used to purchase additional play features. | ![]() |
Picnic Area Location A by the existing basketball courts Pros – This space is near the existing picnic area and would provide buffer between the grills and the playgrounds. Cons – The grills and picnic area would be further from the shelter | ![]() |
Picnic Area Location B by the main entrance on 1st Road South Pros – This space is near the existing shelter and playgrounds Cons – This space is a nice entrance area as is. The grills would be close to the playground | ![]() |
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