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Butler Holmes Park Improvements Survey

9 responses on forum

Click on the option you prefer. Option A or Option B.

Response Percent Response Count
Option A 55.6% 5
Option B 44.4% 4

The following questions pertain to the existing kiosk. How often do you use the existing kiosk?


Do you feel the existing kiosk should be replaced?


If we don’t replace the kiosk what would you prefer the park funds be used for?

Heather Schimmel within ¼ mile
September 29, 2014, 12:37 PM
  • Click on the option you prefer. Option A or Option B.
    • Option B
  • The following questions pertain to the existing kiosk. How often do you use the existing kiosk?


  • Do you feel the existing kiosk should be replaced?
  • If we don’t replace the kiosk what would you prefer the park funds be used for?

    Additional play structures

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