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Quincy Park Playground & Sand Volleyball Court Redesign

14 responses on forum

If you use the sand volleyball court, how would you improve upon it?


How often do you or others in your household use the playground at Quincy Park?

Response Percent Response Count
Daily 7.1% 1
Weekly 14.3% 2
Monthly 28.6% 4
Rarely 35.7% 5
Never 14.3% 2

If you have children, in which age groups do they fall?

Response Percent Response Count
4 years and under 69.2% 9
5-10 years 23.1% 3
I do not have children 7.7% 1

Do you have a FAVORITE PLAYGROUND in Arlington? Please share what your favorite playground is and what you enjoy in it.


What play element does children in your household most prefer?

Response Percent Response Count
Ladders/Bridges/Monkey Bars/Climbing Walls 8.3% 1
Swings 33.3% 4
Track Rides/Ziplines 8.3% 1
Musical Play Equipment 16.7% 2
Water Features 16.7% 2
Other 16.7% 2

The intent of the new playground is that it will use 'universal’ design features. That is, children with disabilities and for children without disabilities. With that being said, are there any other features you would like to see at the playground?


What are your hopes, expectations and/or ideas for the playground?

Name not shown more than 2 miles
August 22, 2014, 8:43 AM
  • If you use the sand volleyball court, how would you improve upon it?

    we don't use it. maybe make it so people can reserve a time on a website?

  • How often do you or others in your household use the playground at Quincy Park?
    • Daily
  • If you have children, in which age groups do they fall?
    • 4 years and under
  • Do you have a FAVORITE PLAYGROUND in Arlington? Please share what your favorite playground is and what you enjoy in it.

    I have two favorites. Rocky Run and Lyon Village. I love how rocky run separates big kids from little kids play area and there is water near the sand area so you can wash off the sand after playing. I like how Lyon Village has more covered picnic table areas right next to the playground so parents can sit at the tables with food while the kids play in the playground. Shade for sitting/eating areas and play areas is very important, especially for babies and toddlers. Right now the distance in quincy park is too far from the picnic tables to the play area. Also plenty of benches around the playground is useful for parents to park their strollers and put their diaper bags down, or moms to nurse their babies. You can never have too much sitting areas! Lastly, I like Lyon Village because it has fences around a very large play area, so you know your kids can't run out to the street.

  • What play element does children in your household most prefer?
    • Swings
  • The intent of the new playground is that it will use 'universal’ design features. That is, children with disabilities and for children without disabilities. With that being said, are there any other features you would like to see at the playground?
    No response.
  • What are your hopes, expectations and/or ideas for the playground?

    that more people can use it, because on a summer day which is sunny it's hard for kids to use the playground when the slides get hot and the seats in the swing get hot.

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