The County is developing recommendations on ways to manage “bar crawls.”
163 responses on forum
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1. What is the maximum number of hours an event should last?
What is the maximum number of events that should take place in a calendar year?
Should Arlington County place a limit on the number of events that take place during a month?
Should Arlington County place limits on the number of events that take place within a particular area?
Regarding costs associated with Police, Fire/EMS and street cleaning services, who should pay these costs?
Please share other views and suggestions for how Arlington County can best respond to the growing demand for bar crawls.
Events which bring people to the area (regardless if it is for socializing with alcohol or going to buy fresh vegetables at a farmers market, or to buy used items at Civitan) should be left as unrestricted as possible. Discouraging these events loses local tax money and makes the area a less interesting place to live. I like living and working in a vibrant area that attracts people of all kinds for all reasons. Having the Event Organizers who are collecting revenue for the event pay for any additional security and safety that are reasonable for the event make sense.
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