The County is developing recommendations on ways to manage “bar crawls.”
163 responses on forum
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1. What is the maximum number of hours an event should last?
What is the maximum number of events that should take place in a calendar year?
Should Arlington County place a limit on the number of events that take place during a month?
Should Arlington County place limits on the number of events that take place within a particular area?
Regarding costs associated with Police, Fire/EMS and street cleaning services, who should pay these costs?
Please share other views and suggestions for how Arlington County can best respond to the growing demand for bar crawls.
While I appreciate the popularity of the area (which is one of the reasons I enjoy living nearby), there needs to be a balance. While all large events in the area are very disruptive, pub crawls are very disruptive AND exclude a very large segment of the resident population. I don't enjoy being around large groups of drunk people wandering from bar to bar, and I certainly don't want my children going in to Clarendon with their friends on pub crawl days. Other events in the area like bike races, Clarendon Day, etc. include all segments of the resident population and attract non-residents of all ages. I have two teenagers at home, one just a year from college. I don't appreciate this glorification of excessive drinking. This is a big problem with our youth -- why do need so many events dedicated to excessive drinking? My daughter and I drove through Clarendon around 4:00 pm during the last crawl (6/28). A young man decked out in obvious patriotic attire (following the theme of the crawl) stepped into the street and started crossing without looking. I gently tapped on the horn so that he would not walk in front of my car. What his response? Anger!?! He then harassed my daughter and me at the stop light. Why was he angry? Because I had the temerity to honk instead of slamming on my brakes to avoid hitting him! Other events in Clarendon sell alcohol, not once have I seen anyone obviously drunk during Clarendon Day. Let's teach our children and teens about responsible drinking!
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