The County is developing recommendations on ways to manage “bar crawls.”
Thank you for participating!
Managing Pub Crawls: Community Meeting Scheduled
August 14, 2014, 6:30-8:00 p.m.
2100 Clarendon Boulevard, First Floor Conference Room-Azalea
As a follow-up to the Arlington County Board’s July 19 meeting where they adopted changes to the Special Events Policy allowing the County Manager to require permits for pub crawls that have attracted thousands of people to Arlington’s urban villages, we are holding a public meeting to update stakeholders on the new policy and administrative process. Staff will review the Manager’s proposed Administrative Regulation, seek feedback and respond to community questions.
If you are unable to attend and would like to provide feedback, please send comments, suggestions or concerns to Leslie Pelzer, Special Events Coordinator or Wilfredo Calderon, Assistant County Manager.
The County Manager expects to finalize and adopt a revised Administrative Regulation in the early Fall.
Draft of the updated Special Events Administrative Regulation for your review.
The County Manager adopted Special Events Administrative Regulation. It is currently in use and Pub Crawl Event Organizers are required to apply for a Special Events permit.