Arlington will gain a public park in the Fort Myer Heights North area! The Department of Parks and Recreation needs your help in determining how to use the space.
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25 responses on forum
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Please describe what you LIKE BEST about the preliminary park design.
The climable play elements.Please describe what you LIKE LEAST about the preliminary park design.
Needs a water fountain.Please describe what is MISSING from the preliminary park design, or provide additional comments.
A table to eat at.Of the PARK SEATING images found in the PDF on the previous page, please choose the top two you like best.
Do you feel that play features are important to this park design? If so, which of the PLAY ELEMENTS images found in the PDF on the previous page do you prefer? Please select your top three.
Do you feel that the dog amenities are important to this park design? If so, which of the DOG AMENITY images found in the PDF on the previous page do you prefer?
Of the OTHER PARK AMENITIES images found in the PDF on the previous page, please choose the top five you like best.
Are there other activities or amenities the site should accommodate?
Eating!Please share any other comments.
No response.Where do you live? Please provide zip code.