Arlington County is looking into the use of the Fairlington Community Center for a possible farmers’ market. The following questions are designed to help gauge the community’s needs, expectations and interest.
44 responses on forum
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1. How many people are in your household (including yourself)?
2. Do you currently attend farmers’ markets? If no, skip to question 6.
3. How frequently do you attend farmers’ markets?
4. Which farmers’ markets do you attend?
Courthouse; Columbia Pike5. If you do not currently attend farmers’ markets, why not?
6. Would you be more likely to attend the farmers’ market during the weekday or weekend?
7. What time would be most convenient for you to shop at a farmers’ market?
8. If a farmers’ market was closer to your home, how frequently would you attend?
9. What types of items would you be interested in purchasing in a farmers’ market? Check all that apply.
10. How much do you (or would you expect to) spend per visit?
11. If a farmers’ market were located at Fairlington Community Center, how would you get there?
12. What features of a farmers market are important to you? Please choose four.
13. What amenities are important to you at a farmers’ market? (check all that apply)
14. If you needed information regarding the farmers’ market where would you look?
15. How would you prefer to pay at a farmers’ market?
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