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What uses would you like to have in the pop-up park located in Clarendon?

206 responses on forum

Activities (Check up to 5 (five) activities below you would enjoy doing in the park)

Response Percent Response Count
Informal gatherings 52.4% 108
Picnicking 58.7% 121
Reading 59.7% 123
Gardening 18.4% 38
Small scale outdoor games (corn hole, croquet table tennis, chess or other games) 49.5% 102
Short-term recreational facilities (bocce court or a small miniature golf course are examples) 41.7% 86
Organized classes and workshops (such as exercise, gardening, bicycle rodeo and other classes) 30.1% 62
Purchase food from food trucks and vendors 46.6% 96
Other activities (list at end of survey) 17.0% 35

Events (Check all activities you would like to have in the park)

Response Percent Response Count
Special events hosted by organizations 41.5% 80
No interest in events in the park 17.6% 34
Concerts and dancing 41.5% 80
Temporary outdoor markets (food, crafts, art and others) 71.0% 137
Other event ideas (list at end of survey) 9.3% 18

Park Features (These are the built or installed elements in the park). Check all features you would like to have in the park.

Response Percent Response Count
Demonstration gardens (vegetable, native or other featured plantings) 35.4% 69
Open lawn space for impromptu use 60.0% 117
Space for gatherings 44.6% 87
Game tables for playing chess, checkers or other games 46.7% 91
Other event ideas (list at end of survey) 12.3% 24
Picnic tables 63.6% 124
Creative and colorful park furniture 49.7% 97

If you chose 'other' for any of the questions, please list your ideas here

Name not shown more than 2 miles
August 18, 2013, 5:12 PM
  • Activities (Check up to 5 (five) activities below you would enjoy doing in the park)
    • Informal gatherings
    • Picnicking
    • Purchase food from food trucks and vendors
    • Other activities (list at end of survey)
  • Events (Check all activities you would like to have in the park)
    No response.
  • Park Features (These are the built or installed elements in the park). Check all features you would like to have in the park.
    • Open lawn space for impromptu use
    • Picnic tables
  • If you chose 'other' for any of the questions, please list your ideas here
    I work in the Navy League building across the street from the proposed park. I see a LOT of dogs getting walked in the area. Every year there are fewer places for them to do their business around Courthouse. Please expect the park will be used for that purpose, at least dozens of times per day, regardless what the other uses end up being. Additionally, good trash management will be important. Along that street, the properties that look well kept and clean have daily manual litter pickup and trash cans are emptied frequently. Maybe neighboring offices and residents could be solicited to "adopt a day at the park" and pick up litter once on their adopted day per week.
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