What should we call a new service that schedules appointments for mental health or addiction services?
People seeking mental health support or addiction services have many options in Pinellas County.
Because there are many providers, however, it may be hard to know where to start.
Who do you call?
Pinellas County is working with our partners to answer that question. Residents will have one phone number and website that they may use to schedule an appointment with an appropriate service provider.
We would like to have a name for this service. This survey is to get feedback on some possible names and to ask the community for additional ideas.
What to expect from this survey
The survey should take about five to ten minutes to complete.
You will be asked to rate four proposed names for this service.
You will be invited to make open-ended comments and suggestions.
You will be asked some demographic questions about yourself such as age, gender, and race to help us understand perspectives of different demographic groups.
You will be asked questions about your knowledge of mental health and drug and alcohol addiction services to help us understand how such knowledge affects the choice of a name.
If you are not comfortable answering a question you don't have to.
We appreciate your help in naming this new service!