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Please help Pinellas County learn more about e-bike use on our trails.

512 registered responses

What is your gender?

Response Percent Response Count
Male 58.4% 299
Female 41.4% 212
Rather not say 0.2% 1

What is your age?

Response Percent Response Count
18 to 30 2.9% 15
31-40 4.5% 23
41-50 10.4% 53
51-60 20.4% 104
61-70 41.6% 212
71-80 19.0% 97
over 80 1.2% 6

What is your zip code?


Which best describes you?

Response Percent Response Count
I ride a traditional, non-motorized bicycle. 47.3% 242
I ride an electric bicycle (e-bike) 24.8% 127
I ride both a traditional bike and an e-bike 23.6% 121
I typically don’t use a bicycle 4.3% 22

Do you ride your bike on local trails?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes, mostly on the Pinellas Trail 68.4% 162
Yes, mostly on other trails 2.1% 5
I ride on a mix of trails and roads 29.5% 70

Have you ever ridden an e-bike?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 28.7% 68
No 71.3% 169

Are you thinking about buying an e-bike?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 20.7% 49
No 79.3% 188

If you are thinking about buying an e-bike, what is your main reason?

Response Percent Response Count
Need assistance riding a bike 5.3% 11
Efficiency of getting places 8.7% 18
It's a clean energy alternative 3.4% 7
Fun and recreation 7.3% 15
Not applicable 75.2% 155

Would you buy an e-bike if you had a physical limitation that prevented you from riding a regular bicycle?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 75.5% 176
No 24.5% 57

What is your primary trip purpose when riding on a local trail?

Response Percent Response Count
To get to work 1.7% 4
For shopping 1.7% 4
For fitness/exercise 78.1% 185
For casual recreation 17.7% 42
To get to community services 0.8% 2

About how much money do you spend per trip while riding?

Response Percent Response Count
$0 46.8% 111
$10 19.8% 47
$10-$25 20.3% 48
$25-$40 6.8% 16
More than $40 6.3% 15

Do you usually ride alone, with one or more friends, or with a group?

Response Percent Response Count
Alone 38.4% 91
With one or more friends 34.6% 82
With a group 4.6% 11
It varies 22.4% 53

Would you ride with others that ride e-bikes?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 44.9% 106
No 55.1% 130

About how often do you ride?

Response Percent Response Count
Every day of the week 13.9% 33
4-5 days a week 28.7% 68
2-3 days a week 41.4% 98
1 day a week 8.4% 20
Fewer than five days a month 7.6% 18

How many miles do you typically ride in a week?

Response Percent Response Count
Less than 10 miles 9.7% 23
10 to 20 miles 20.3% 48
20 to 30 miles 21.1% 50
More than 40 miles 48.9% 116

How welcome do you feel toward e-bike users on the trails?

Response Percent Response Count
I feel welcome toward ebike users on the trails 22.4% 53
I tolerate ebike users on the trail 50.6% 120
I do not welcome ebike users on the trail 27.0% 64

From your experience riding with others, how do you perceive the receptiveness of the public to e-bikes on the trails?

Response Percent Response Count
I feel the public is receptive to ebikes on the trails 15.5% 36
I feel the public is tolerant to ebikes on the trails 62.1% 144
I feel the public does not welcome ebikes on the trails 22.4% 52

Do you have safety concerns with e-bikes on the local trails?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 83.5% 198
No 16.5% 39

If you answered yes to the previous question, please explain why


Do you generally obey the signage and rules of the trail while on your bicycle?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 95.7% 225
No 4.3% 10
Name not shown inside Zip Code 33701
April 22, 2022, 11:31 PM
  • What is your gender?
    • Male
  • What is your age?
    • 61-70
  • What is your zip code?
  • Which best describes you?
    • I ride both a traditional bike and an e-bike
  • Do you own an e-bike?
    • Yes
  • If you answered no to the last question, do you rent or borrow an e-bike?
    No response.
  • For how long have you owned an e-bike?
    • Less than one year
  • Do you ride your e-bike on local trails?
    • I ride on a mix of trails and roads
  • What classification is your e-bike?
    • Class 2 - motor will exclusively propel the bicycle without the rider pedaling and only up to 20 mph
  • How much does your e-bike weigh?
    • 35 to 50 pounds
  • What are the top three reasons why you ride an e-bike?
    • For commuting
    • To not sweat
    • As a clean energy alternative to driving
  • What is your primary trip purpose when you ride on a local trail?
    • For fitness/exercise
  • About how much money do you spend per trip while riding?
    • $0
  • Do you usually ride alone, with one or more friends, or with a group?
    • Alone
  • About how often do you ride?
    • 4-5 days a week
  • How far do you typically ride in an average week?
    • Less than 10 miles
  • Would you recommend an e-bike to family or friends?
    • Yes
  • How do you feel e-bikes are welcome on the trails?
    • I feel tolerated
  • Do you have safety concerns with e-bikes on the trails?
    • Yes
  • If you answered yes to the previous question, please explain why

    Many ebike drivers are newbies with powerful, fast machines and no training or understanding of road ediquette. In general the Trail is not wide enough for the increased traffic on busy days. An important factor is closing speeds. Two bikes going 18mph in opposite directions are approaching each other at 36mph (18+18)! Not a lot of reaction time if passing, and that would be the impact velocity of a crash; equivalent to 36 MPH into a wall. Dangerous

  • Do you obey signage and the rules of the trail while on your bicycle?
    • Yes
  • If you answered no to the previous question, please explain why
    No response.
  • How do you rate yourself in terms of courtesy toward others on the trails?
    • I always exhibit courteous behavior
  • What is the speed limit on the Pinellas Trail?
    • There is no speed limit
  • What speed do you typically ride on an e-bike?
    • 10 to 15 mph
  • Do you ride at night on the Pinellas Trail or other areas of Pinellas County?
    • Yes
  • If you ride at night, do you use bike lights?
    • Yes
  • Would you take an online 15-minute voluntary safety/courtesy class from your home computer if it was available?
    • Yes
  • Have you ever been harassed for riding an e-bike?
    • No
  • If so, do you avoid areas where you have been harassed?
    No response.
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