Goal 1: Enhance Community Connectivity. How important is each of the following to you (1=not important, 5=very important)?
Install additional sidewalks - 5
Improve unimproved rights of way - 5
Make intersection safety improvements - 5
Improve pedestrian crosswalks - 5
For Goal 1, Enhance Community Connectivity, people who attended the community meeting made the following suggestions. How important are these to you (1=not important, 5=very important)?
Create east-west connections to the Pinellas Trail within the High Point community and throughout the county. - 5
Work with the community to prioritize sidewalks/connections. - 5
PSTA Route 52 should continue to service the Avalon Loop during evenings and weekends. - 5
Add street lighting throughout the neighborhood, particularly at the intersection of 58th Street N and 150th Avenue N. - 5
Address 62nd Street N's lack of shoulder and ditch. Consider sidewalks and/or bike path on the west side. - 5
Address safety concerns at the intersection of 58th Street N and Roosevelt Boulevard. - 5
Consider lower height of street signs and speed limit signs. - 5
For Goal 1, Enhance Community Connectivity, what suggestions or comments do you have?
Handicap accessibility - more and more wheelchairs and strollers, carts and wagons on the sidewalks.
Goal 2: Enhance Economic Opportunities. How important is each of the following to you (1=not important, 5=very important)?
Support partnerships between local businesses, Pinellas Technical College and CareerSource - 5
Create or support job training programs to match needs of local businesses - 5
Identify internship opportunities - 5
Support and assist small businesses - 5
Organize or support local job fairs - 5
Address employee transportation - 5
Expand internet access (broadband, wi-fi) - 5
For Goal 2, Enhance Economic Opportunities, people who attended the community meeting made the following suggestions. How important is each of the following to you (1=not important, 5=very important)?
Partner with Habitat for Humanity - 5
Support to help people enroll in P-Tech and other local schools - 5
Address empty storefronts - 5
For Goal 2, Enhance Economic Opportunities, what suggestions or comments do you have?
Explore Youth Farm Leadership Training program- paid internships modeled after St.Pete Youth Farm at Enoch Davis Rec Center and Grow Dat (New Orleans.)
Urban Ag Certified Horticulture training courses are offered at High Point Neighborhood Family Center.
Community Garden Space and Farmer's Market Farmstand
Community events ie: Urban Ag expo and Greater Pinellas Country Fair (Consider space needed for larger scale, income producing opportunities)
Goal 3: Expand Service Delivery to the Community. How important is each of the following to you (1=not important, 5=very important)?
Increase service provider partnerships - 5
Identify existing gaps in services - 5
Promote services to residents using multiple languages - 5
Increase family programs - 5
Address homelessness - 5
Provide access to library resources - 5
Offer or identify ways to provide language courses - 5
Provide outdoor recreational activities - 5
Create a community newsletter - 5
For Goal 3, Expand Service Delivery to the Community, people who attended the community meeting made the following suggestions. How important is each of the following to you (1=not important, 5=very important)?
Facility for homeless people (food kitchen, showers, a place to stay) - 5
In the park set aside a place for a butterfly garden and pollenating plants - 5
Health fairs (Saturday free dental) - 5
For Goal 3, Expand Service Delivery to the Community, what suggestions or comments do you have?
Greenspace for adult recreation and community events. Looking forward to design of new park to include these opportunities. Yes to any opportunity to keep Pinellas green and growing, literally and figuratively.
Which best describes you?
I live in High Point.
Open Pinellas is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Open Pinellas is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
Goal 1: Enhance Community Connectivity. How important is each of the following to you (1=not important, 5=very important)?
For Goal 1, Enhance Community Connectivity, people who attended the community meeting made the following suggestions. How important are these to you (1=not important, 5=very important)?
For Goal 1, Enhance Community Connectivity, what suggestions or comments do you have?
Handicap accessibility - more and more wheelchairs and strollers, carts and wagons on the sidewalks.
Goal 2: Enhance Economic Opportunities. How important is each of the following to you (1=not important, 5=very important)?
For Goal 2, Enhance Economic Opportunities, people who attended the community meeting made the following suggestions. How important is each of the following to you (1=not important, 5=very important)?
For Goal 2, Enhance Economic Opportunities, what suggestions or comments do you have?
Explore Youth Farm Leadership Training program- paid internships modeled after St.Pete Youth Farm at Enoch Davis Rec Center and Grow Dat (New Orleans.)
Urban Ag Certified Horticulture training courses are offered at High Point Neighborhood Family Center.
Community Garden Space and Farmer's Market Farmstand
Community events ie: Urban Ag expo and Greater Pinellas Country Fair (Consider space needed for larger scale, income producing opportunities)
Goal 3: Expand Service Delivery to the Community. How important is each of the following to you (1=not important, 5=very important)?
For Goal 3, Expand Service Delivery to the Community, people who attended the community meeting made the following suggestions. How important is each of the following to you (1=not important, 5=very important)?
For Goal 3, Expand Service Delivery to the Community, what suggestions or comments do you have?
Greenspace for adult recreation and community events. Looking forward to design of new park to include these opportunities. Yes to any opportunity to keep Pinellas green and growing, literally and figuratively.
Which best describes you?