Pinellas County is seeking public input regarding four alternatives for the intersection of Belcher Road and State Road 60 (Gulf to Bay Boulevard) in Clearwater.
Based on what you learned from our Project Information meeting or review of the content on, which alternative do you prefer?
Please describe any concerns you have about the intersection related to safety or traffic flow.
Belcher Road within 1 mile of either direction of the intersection is a bottle neck and can't handle the traffic as it is. The blinking yellow turn signals are hazardous and also contribute to crashes. We should just bite the bullet and build the overpass, but I am afraid it will just move the bottleneck down to the next signals. If the Median U-Turn is voted in, I'd like to see Pedestrian overpasses built at several locations. This seems more important than so much money being spent on one area of the city for the Imagine Clearwater. Safety wins out over recreation. Belcher is too narrow on the north side of the intersection, so it will need widening. It definitely needs a dedicated right hand turn lane on the Publix side. The Post office should be addressed to stop NB vehicles from turning left into their driveway. It would be good if there was a way to close off Belcher access and only enter the post office from Cleveland/Rainbow. It would be ideal if the post office was somehow relocated near Drew Street and Old Coachman. Postal semi's could then use Drew Street to get to McMullen Booth and then the CCC to get to the airport. Traffic on GTB would need more than just one overpass at Belcher, unless that is the long range plan?
I am familiar with the Median U-Turn and it worked well when I used it in Pasco County. That being said, this is adding more traffic signals; so that is a concern.
And lastly, for all the vehicles that make left hand turns, the Median U-Turn lanes would need to be very long to accommodate the number of vehicles that will use it. Otherwise, it will jam up traffic waiting to get into those turn lanes. Again, I don't think there is enough room to do it, and probably should just build the overpass. Pay me now or pay me later situation. Todays dollars are cheaper than tomorrows.
Do you have any other comments or questions?
Was there consideration for PSTA bus stop cut aways, so that traffic isn't impeded and bus riders are more safe, being set back from the flow of traffic. I realize this is off the subject a bit. However, I would like to know if there was consideration of pedestrian overpasses at GTB/ Hercules by the high school. I think that would be beneficial.
And too, a pedestrian overpass at GTB/ Old Coachman, because of the trail.
Open Pinellas is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Open Pinellas is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
Which of these statements BEST describe you:?
Based on what you learned from our Project Information meeting or review of the content on, which alternative do you prefer?
Please describe any concerns you have about the intersection related to safety or traffic flow.
Do you have any other comments or questions?